Bill Barrow / Associated Press:
With cash windfall, Biden adds GOP states to campaign map
Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
A headline borne of a fantasy, conceived in wishful thinking and centered in a dream.
Still, she could be as much a disappointment as Roberts.
Lets not forget that Hillary raised a billion dollars versus Trump's $600 million and lost the popular vote in the 49 states outside California.
Shane Goldmacher / New York Times:
Megyn Kelly speaks out concerning Kamala Harris and the pride she has in her dad:
Megyn Kelly slams Kamala Harris for saying she's 'proud' of ...
Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly criticized Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) Tuesday for saying she was “proud” of Jacob Blake during a meeting with him in Kenosha, Wis.
“PROUD of him? He’s accused of breaking into a sleeping woman’s house, sexually assaulting her, humiliating her & later returning to harass her,” Kelly tweeted. “Then the cops she called for help say he resisted arrest, assaulted them & went for his knife. How about a word for his victim, Senator?”
The whole nation is a witness. No surprise to anyone who is paying attention.
Alana Goodman / Washington Free Beacon:
Here is one of many examples of mail fraud (some calll it "ineptitude") even before the eledction.
Video shows USPS mail being dumped in a California parking lot. A postal union says USPS employees weren't involved
Editor: This headline simply proves that mail "fraud" will be a factor in the coming election. While the above event was not a part of larger scheme, it is clear that "larger schemes" can occur and be managed in such a way as to be an influence in a close election. The greater the number of ail-in ballots, the greater the influence for fraud.
Here is an example of the Left projecting their own plans on the GOP . . . again. Updated for additional content
Sam Stein / The Daily Beast:

Something's Happening Here: Democrats laying foundation for action with their post-Election Day doomsday warnings
This single witness settles the claim that Trump disparaged our soldiers, thank you John Bolton. (Hint: Its all a lie).
Yael Halon / Fox News:
I put the blame for this matter on the Republican campaign.
Oregon bars GOP voter statement, says it was 29 seconds late
The GOP argues that their submission was made with a minute to spare.
A few questions:
1. Why the hell did the GOP cut their submission so close to the deadline, and
2. Why the hell is Oregon making a "federal case" out of this matter . . . if they are being honest about their involvement in the coming election.
Keep in mind that Oregon is the West Coast state that could swing to the GOP . . . not likely but possible.
Read the Oregonian story here:
The Dems tell people Trump's tax cuts only benefitted the rich. Of course they forget the 35 million families with children . . . all benefiting from those tax cuts.
avid Cay Johnston /
After Trump denounces Jennifer Griffin, she reveals that her reporting did NOT confirm the Atlantic storyharsh details.
Joel B. Pollak / Breitbart:
Great pollking news to begin the holiday weekend.
President Trump’s Rasmussen approval rating surged to 52% on Friday for Labor Day Weekend.
Understand that the Dems have had a plan for the coming election since before 2016:
When Hillary took debate time to ask whether Trump would honor the coming (2016) election, she inadvertently broadcasted her plans should she lose the 2016 election.
Since that time, the Dems have been conditioning the population for cheating their way back into the White House.
It goes like this: We have proven over and over that Trump is not simply a crook, he is a pathological liar and won the 2016 election despite losing the popular voted. He is not the "peoples choice" and now, 2020, it is tie for payback. Anything we (the Dems) might be accused of doing pales in light of the 20 to 30 scandals perpetrated by Trump.
Understand that this plan on works if the election is close, on par with 2016. If it happens top be landslide election . . . . . well, there is no plan for the eventuality.
Moral to this post?
Turn out and vote and all will be well.
My response to this radical post is "Yea, so ?"
Amanda Terkel / HuffPost:25 minutes ago GOP Rep. Clay Higgins Threatens To Shoot Armed Protesters: 'I'd Drop Any 10 Of You' — His social media post, which was removed by Facebook, had a photo of armed Black men.
Clearly , Rep Higgins is not the problem, here.
We can't imagine the level of hypocricy needed to publish this WsPost criticism when Hillary took ALL her emails on a private and unauthorized servcer during the Obama years.
Jada Yuan / Washington Post: