To answer the headline question, this editor believes we are already well down the path to a divided or contested convention. And in that reality, the Democrat's hope for a presidential victory is all but lost.
Of course, of course, of course, nothing is ever written in stone when it comes to politics, BUT on this side of the final decision, here is what we know.
Nevada Caucus Results: Bernie with 47% of the vote; Biden in a distant 2nd with 19%; Buttigieg with 15% and Warren with 10%.
The difference between Biden and the other two losers is not percetages, but rather, South Carolyna. Biden is reportedly strong in that state. Buttigieg and Warren are not and that is what keeps Biden in the race.
If Bloomberg picks up 400 or more deligates between now and the convention, the Democrat Convention will be a divided house for the first time in a long long time, period. And no one really knows how that will work in terms of outcomes.
I mean to say, if Bernie does not surrender his delegates, and the anti-Bernie mafia stands resolute , well, again, what comes next? And how is any of this anything but a electoral disaster for the Dems?
Understand that there are only three Democrat hopefuls remaining: Sanders, Biden and Bloomberg. And none of the three will have enough delegates to win the nomination. Enter Hillary? Or, Mrs. Obama? Maybe Mitt will make his split from the GOP official and try to capture the Democrat nomination??
For us conservatives, the Democrat Convention is going to be fun to watch. And the Dems only have themselves to blame.
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