John Durham's investigation into the Russian Hoax is now, officially, a criminal invetigation.

John Durham's investigation into the Russian Hoax is now,  officially,  a criminal investigation.  That does not mean actual crimes have been committed,  only that there is enough evidence of a crime or crimes to warrant the criminal investigation.

According to Ed Henry, the chief political pundit at Flox News,   the IG report (very soon to be released to the public) will be,  in part,  used as a road map for the Durham investigation.  Horowitz,  the "I.G.".  cannot prosecute.  Durham can.

As a side note,  Horowitz has said that his report will have very few redactions and indicated that he will release his report within the firest two weeks of November.

I believe that the best we can hope for in the coming reprots,  is hard evidence and official legal opinion making actual impeachment impossible.  More than this,  the failure of a successful impeachment effort could help the GOP recover the House and win the WH in 2020. 

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