This probably means nothing, but everything we were told concerning ObamaCare was a stinking lie . . . everything, and, a federal appelate court agrees !!!

Federal judge rules Obamacare is unconstitutional

A judge agreed with a coalition of 20 states on Friday that a change in tax law last year invalidates the entire Affordable Care Act.
Editor:  The first five ObamaCare votes in the Senate failed to confirm ObamaCare.  It was a tax and we were told that it was not.  It was sold as "universal health care" but 33 million folks still are uninsured  . .  and that was before Trump started messing with it.  In other words,  it was never "universal."  We were actually told that it would reduce costs when,  in fact,  prices have gone up 40% since its inception and that news only gets worse with the passing of time. We could keep our doctors,  surgeons, nurses, and hospitals of choice.  None of this was true and all of it was a lie from the start  . . . . .     told to us with the intention to deceive.  We were told that it would be a barrier to bankruptcy,  but the $12,000 deductibles for a family of four,  insured that there were no protections against bankruptcy.  This is why the Dems are now working to make Medicare the universal health care of the land.  That would have never been the case if ObamaCare was actually meeting expectations.  

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