Still, another nothing burger. Its what happens when there is nothing there.

Joe DiGenova: What we learned again is that there is no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and certainly nothing with the president personally. We learned the Michael Cohen is a kind of, rather unscrupulous individual who sought to enrich himself through the campaign and did some pretty sleazy
deals after the campaign. But again there is no suggestion whatsoever that the president did anything wrong, committed any crime or certainly had any contact with Russians.


  1. Here's your 'nothing burger:'

    1. The SDNY is an anti-Trump cabal and nothing more. Because it can abuse its powers means nothing to folks who understand that this is ALL political, and nothing more.

  2. Pence’s Chief of Staff Nick Ayers was all set to become Donald Trump’s new Chief of Staff, but then at the last possible second he decided to not only turn down the Trump job, but to also resign his current job with Pence. This strongly suggests that Ayers doesn’t think Trump or Pence is going to survive this for much longer. It's coming...

    1. this strongly suggests that the man does not want to remain in politics forever, something he decided more than a year ago.
