Philip Rucker / Washington Post: New book by Trump advisers alleges that the president has ‘embedded enemies’ — Two of the president's longest-serving advisers allege in a new book that scores of officials inside the White House, Congress, the Justice Department and intelligence agencies are “embedded enemies of President Trump”
Update: I have been aware of the Progressive Underground for two decades. And it has been in place for such a time as this: i.e. the Trump effect. The Left has always feared an educated Conservative voting base. Will it gather popular support? We will not know until the next election cycle. And why the wait? Because the embedded Media is part of the
Progressive Underground. So they will publish poll after poll, pretending each to be "scientific" when science has nothing to do with political polls. Today, nearly two years before the next election cycle, the 65 million Conservative voting base, will be told over and over again, how they do not count, how stupid they are, and how much they need the know-it-alls on the Left. My advice? Go fishing. Enjoy your favorite sporting events. Find a time-consuming hobby. And concentrate on being at peace with who you are . . . knowing that you are not alone.
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