This is that Mao ornament. It was placed on Barack's first Oval Office tree. When it made the papers, Barack banned all photos of the WH tree into the future. Barack's Secret Service name was "Renegade," and that was at his request. His love affair with radical enemies of our nation, (Putin - I will be more flexible, the Castro brothers, Iran and his gifting of nearly 200 billion dollars, his refusal to take out ISIS, his sale of guns to the Mexican Maffia, his failed war in Afghanistan, the deaths of 32 Navy Seals on a helicopter shot down in Afghanistan after Barack refused requests to protect that aircraft from enemy fire, his going to bed while men were dying in the Benghazi Embassy, his cowardly refusal to honor his "red line" threat in Syria, resulting in the deaths of more than 200,000 Syrians directly related to that bit of cowardice and on and on) all st him apart from past presidencies and justified his "Renegade" moniker.
Oh, by contrast, Trump has an ornament of the WH on this year's tree.
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