Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Looks like decent folks are getting the last laugh.
Well, I couldn't find this story anywhere on the Net. Turns out Bill and Hillary are on a speech tour, the two fantasizing that there are hoards of folks willing to pay $250 for a chance to hear Hillary (especially) present her tiresome rhetoric. first stop, somewhere in Canada. Thursday, they rented a 19,000 seat stadium but only 3,000 folks showed up. The ticket price fell from 250 to 6 dollars and, still, they couldn't sell them. Couldn't happen to a more deserving and corrupt duo.
Hopefully Hanson knows something we don't. If not jail, certainly an "accounting" is in order.
Victor Davis Hanson: We Haven't Had A Legal Accounting Of Comey, Brennan & Clapper And It's Coming
and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson said the verdict is "not
out" for the Obama-era DOJ officials after their use of the infamous
Russian dossier. Davis noted 8 to 10 FBI officials have been retired or
reassigned or facing indictment.
Hanson also warned Wednesday night it's "not over" former FBI director James Comey, former CIA director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper because the dossier, put together by a foreign national, was used to open investigations and get FISA warrants.
"It's not over because we are looking at a situation where a presidential candidate hired a foreign national to find dirt on her opponent in that dossier was seeded among top officials of the Obama administration," Hanson told FOX News host Laura Ingraham.
"We haven't had an accounting, ethical or legal yet and it's coming," Hanson added.
Hanson also warned Wednesday night it's "not over" former FBI director James Comey, former CIA director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper because the dossier, put together by a foreign national, was used to open investigations and get FISA warrants.
"It's not over because we are looking at a situation where a presidential candidate hired a foreign national to find dirt on her opponent in that dossier was seeded among top officials of the Obama administration," Hanson told FOX News host Laura Ingraham.
"We haven't had an accounting, ethical or legal yet and it's coming," Hanson added.
Jake Tapper at CNN sees no evidence of conspiracy with the latest Cohen revelations. None.
CNN host Jake Tapper expressed skepticism that Michael Cohen’s Thursday guilty plea necessarily amounted to “any evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election.
“Look, this is clearly not welcome news for the president,” said Tapper. “I don’t want to pretend that it is but once again I look at these documents and I don’t see any evidence of conspiracy between members of the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the election.”
Trump Tower never happened. Neither did this 50 million dollar give away. so where's the crime? Oh, BTW, if this Tower happend, there still is no crime.
The Trump Organization Planned To Give Vladimir Putin The $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow
Now you know why I do not spend any time on this subject. Because there is nothing wrong with the facts embedded in this headline . . . . nothing. Lets move on from one of the nbiggest fraud's imposed on a population since Barack pretended to be a committed patriot.
Now you know why I do not spend any time on this subject. Because there is nothing wrong with the facts embedded in this headline . . . . nothing. Lets move on from one of the nbiggest fraud's imposed on a population since Barack pretended to be a committed patriot.
Clearly, this is none of Mueller's business. Proof that this whole thing is a witch hunt . . . . looking for something, anything, to frame our President. Pathetic.
Report: Robert Mueller Asked Trump About RNC Platform Tweak on Ukraine
Mueller submitted a question to Trump about the Republican National Convention’s policy on arming the Ukrainian government.
In April of 2019, millions of taxpayers with children will wake up to a pleasent surprise saving them hundreds of dollars
Winning: U.S. Incomes and Spending Jumped In October, While Inflation Faded
When it comes to money, all things are cyclical, but, we are into the third year of the Trump Economy. In April of 2019, millions of taxpayers with children will wake up to a pleasant surprise saving them hundreds of dollars without any changes to the current tax law.
The standard deduction will double (our standard deduction will double from 12,000 to 24,000) and the child tax credit will double from $1,000 to $2,000. No wonder Pelosi wants to cancel the tax law . . . . it will give Trump and the GOP a huge advantage come 2020.
When it comes to money, all things are cyclical, but, we are into the third year of the Trump Economy. In April of 2019, millions of taxpayers with children will wake up to a pleasant surprise saving them hundreds of dollars without any changes to the current tax law.
The standard deduction will double (our standard deduction will double from 12,000 to 24,000) and the child tax credit will double from $1,000 to $2,000. No wonder Pelosi wants to cancel the tax law . . . . it will give Trump and the GOP a huge advantage come 2020.
Another America hater at CNN calls for the destruction of Israel.
And here it is, Marc Lamont Hill calling for a "free Palestine from the river to the sea" (video via @bennyavni).
That this clown was a featured guest on Fox News for several years (Hannity no less) evidences just how convoluted FoxNews has become. We do not need "fair and balanced" any more than Custer needed another Indian. Fox listeners are more informed than liberal audiences, more likely to vote and more supportive of the Constitution than the black activist crowd and its radicalized white supporters.
That this clown was a featured guest on Fox News for several years (Hannity no less) evidences just how convoluted FoxNews has become. We do not need "fair and balanced" any more than Custer needed another Indian. Fox listeners are more informed than liberal audiences, more likely to vote and more supportive of the Constitution than the black activist crowd and its radicalized white supporters.
CNN Sacks Contributor Marc Lamont Hill After Controversial Israel-Palestine Comments, Keeps Position At Temple University
Barack's first Christmas in the WH featured a tree in the Oval Office with an ornament dedicated to Mao.

Oh, by contrast, Trump has an ornament of the WH on this year's tree.
Remember this headline from 2012? I am betting you do not.
Change... Obama Now More Loathed Than Bush at End of His Second Term — A Good Solid B+ — Barack Obama's approval index number dropped to a new low today. — Rasmussen reported: … At the end of his second term President George W. Bush had a 43% disapproval rating.
Nile Gardiner / blogs.telegraph.co.uk:
US voters give Barack Obama an F
And the Telegraph is an extremely liberal rag.
Nile Gardiner / blogs.telegraph.co.uk:
US voters give Barack Obama an F
And the Telegraph is an extremely liberal rag.
Most or many Upper Deck facilities are nearly empty (talking about the upper decks).
Buccaneers resort to giving tickets away for free after 8-year low in attendance
And seriously, this is happening at a time when
the sport is at its best in terms of performance and
sheer fun to watch. I am thinking that this decline in attendance has been happening since the year before Kaepernick came up with his BS demonstration and his pronouncement that "America has never been great." It was a developing issue, and the black-activist demonstrations sent the problem into over-drive. And there is no making up for the loss of revenue poor attendance creates. I would say that it is only a matter of time before we see the end of the Buccaneers and teams with a similar problem. In time, the league will shrink and prices will come down, but we are talking a few years into the future. I remind you that the Buccs are at an "8-year low," which means that low attendance as an issue, is cyclical . . . . they have had this problem before. And exactly what have these anti-flag demonstrations produced in terms of real and beneficial activism? In other words, the anti-Anthym demonstrations were about hating America and little more. They can all go to hell as long as they desecrate the symbols of our once great nation. "America " gave them their wealth, and if they can't acknowledge that, well, they are too dumb to stay wealthy.
Speaking to the Gullible Ones at Rice University, Barack comes up with this nonsense:
Obama: "Suddenly America is the largest oil producer, that was me, people ... say thank you."
Editor: Barack was our most "anti-fossil fuel" President, ever. No one even close. Nearly shut down offshore drilling, never approved Anwar drilling, imposed serious restrictions on fracking, and mounted an eight-year refusal to approve that Canada/New Orleans pipeline. No, he was as anti-fossil fuel as they come.
To claim credit for the fact that we now lead the world in gas/oil production is not only an obscene lie, but it was also told for the purpose of pretending to have accomplished where Trump did not. In short, Barack thought he would receive praise for his anti-oil positioning. And when he realized that this was not the case, he lied for the purpose of rewriting history.
She was greeted with a standing ovation.
“I have learned that many people who become addicted to drugs are too ashamed to ask for help, I have also learned that addiction is a disease . And like any illness, people need and deserve treatment. We must commit to removing the stigma of shame that comes with addiction and helping change public opinion so that people find evidence based treatment before it is too late.”
Here is what we KNOW about each of the two major parties:
The GOP is working to bring in responsible members of the nation's minorities: DeSantis, new Governor of Florida, won with 18 to 20% of the black vote.
The Dems are the party of the minorities, forever promising but seldom delivering. Example: the Dems could have solved the immigration issue in 2009 or 2010 when they controlled all of Congress with Super Majorities in both Houses of Congress. The GOP could not have stopped anything the Dems thought to approve as to "comprehensive immigration." But NOTHING was done, nothing was even tried.
Understanding that these two examples are typical to each party, we can see why the GOP is gaining "market share" within the minority community and the do-nothing, resistance oriented Democrat Socialist Party is in disarray. Most importantly, President Trump is giving the tired old GOP a path to survival in the 21st. Century. Increasing the share of the minority vote, increasing the share of the union vote (at least the smaller unions), a stronger appeal to the Middle Class working man (rejected by Obama before the 2012 election cycle and Hillary in the 2016 election cycle), continued support for the military and border control, and a federal Court system that is centered in "law and order" via the potential appointment of more than 300 judges into the Court System . . . . all of this and more, gives the GOP a solid foundation for the future.
Hail to the Chief.
The Dems are the party of the minorities, forever promising but seldom delivering. Example: the Dems could have solved the immigration issue in 2009 or 2010 when they controlled all of Congress with Super Majorities in both Houses of Congress. The GOP could not have stopped anything the Dems thought to approve as to "comprehensive immigration." But NOTHING was done, nothing was even tried.
Understanding that these two examples are typical to each party, we can see why the GOP is gaining "market share" within the minority community and the do-nothing, resistance oriented Democrat Socialist Party is in disarray. Most importantly, President Trump is giving the tired old GOP a path to survival in the 21st. Century. Increasing the share of the minority vote, increasing the share of the union vote (at least the smaller unions), a stronger appeal to the Middle Class working man (rejected by Obama before the 2012 election cycle and Hillary in the 2016 election cycle), continued support for the military and border control, and a federal Court system that is centered in "law and order" via the potential appointment of more than 300 judges into the Court System . . . . all of this and more, gives the GOP a solid foundation for the future.
Hail to the Chief.
With the Hyde-Smith win, today, Trump's Senate will have 53 votes plus the VP tie-breaker.
Steve Holland / Reuters: Trump, Pence seek to rescue embattled Republican in Mississippi
Embattled ? Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith leads her Democrat opponent 54 to 44. Sorry, but that is actually called "a landslide."
Embattled ? Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith leads her Democrat opponent 54 to 44. Sorry, but that is actually called "a landslide."
Kind of interesting, a Democrat talking about "integrity."
Philip Rucker / Washington Post: New book by Trump advisers alleges that the president has ‘embedded enemies’ — Two of the president's longest-serving advisers allege in a new book that scores of officials inside the White House, Congress, the Justice Department and intelligence agencies are “embedded enemies of President Trump”
Update: I have been aware of the Progressive Underground for two decades. And it has been in place for such a time as this: i.e. the Trump effect. The Left has always feared an educated Conservative voting base. Will it gather popular support? We will not know until the next election cycle. And why the wait? Because the embedded Media is part of the
Update: I have been aware of the Progressive Underground for two decades. And it has been in place for such a time as this: i.e. the Trump effect. The Left has always feared an educated Conservative voting base. Will it gather popular support? We will not know until the next election cycle. And why the wait? Because the embedded Media is part of the
Radio host Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone are on record intending to reject Mueller plea deal. So much for the Dem fantasy of betral versus Trump. Ain't going to happen.
Jerome Corsi, an ally of Roger Stone, says special counsel Robert Mueller offered him a plea deal on
one count of perjury related to statements about his contact with
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Corsi says he plans to reject the
Low sales of gas run autos drives GM into the closure of three of its factories.
The Left in its zeal to brand all perceived "failures" as "Trump's fault," does it again with the news that GM is closing three of its plants in 2019. The peasant people immediately blamed Trump without knowing the facts. The following article from Reuters will set the record straight. The closing has nothing to do with Trump or his tariff policy ~ editor.
DETROIT/WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) - General Motors Co said on Monday it will cut production of slow-selling models and slash its North American workforce in the face of a stagnant market for traditional gas-powered sedans, shifting more investment to electric and autonomous vehicles.
The announcement is the biggest restructuring in North America for the U.S. No. 1 carmaker
DETROIT/WASHINGTON, Nov 26 (Reuters) - General Motors Co said on Monday it will cut production of slow-selling models and slash its North American workforce in the face of a stagnant market for traditional gas-powered sedans, shifting more investment to electric and autonomous vehicles.
The announcement is the biggest restructuring in North America for the U.S. No. 1 carmaker
Another 'nothing burger" served up by the mindless Left with nothing to do but make up stuff.
A Nazi salute. Seriously??? So how come some are clearly waving, some with clinched fist, at least eight not waving at all . . . . I mean, when you look at this picture, really look at it, you will see that it has nothing to do with the Nazi Salute. All that is left, and I do mean "Left," is their silly, illogical, rhetorical crap.
click on image to enlarge
I didn't know this was "news." OF COURSE its true.
Philip Rucker / Washington Post: New book by Trump advisers alleges that the president has ‘embedded enemies’ — Two of the president's longest-serving advisers allege in a new book that scores of officials inside the White House, Congress, the Justice Department and intelligence agencies are “embedded enemies of President Trump”
Update: I have been aware of the Progressive Underground for two decades. And it has been in place for such a time as this: i.e. the Trump effect. The Left has always feared an educated Conservative voting base. Will it gather popular support? We will not know until the next election cycle. And why the wait? Because the embedded Media is part of the
Update: I have been aware of the Progressive Underground for two decades. And it has been in place for such a time as this: i.e. the Trump effect. The Left has always feared an educated Conservative voting base. Will it gather popular support? We will not know until the next election cycle. And why the wait? Because the embedded Media is part of the
If I wrote that Barack Obama was mediocre student in lasw school, could you prove me wrong?
If I wrote that Barack Obama was a mediocre student in law school, could you prove me wrong? The answer is "no" if proving includes his grade transcripts. For some odd reason, Barack had all of his school transcripts sealed . . . .. forever. Could it be that he was a nominal dunce in school? I think so. Prove me wrong.
"Shoot to kill" does not mean what you think it means.
White House Expected To Give US Troops Permission To Use Force To Protect Border Patrol
Understand that this order does not supersede in-the-field command orders. Of course, soldiers will not shoot to kill unless their commanding officers give that order. But now, that order can be given.
In most cases, the heart starts beating at or shortly after the 6th wk. mark. The little gal is alive but Kasich doesn't care.
John Kasich To Veto 6-Week Abortion Ban And Gun Rights Bill
Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich told reporters Monday that he will veto both a bill banning abortion in the presence of an unborn baby’s heartbeat as well as a bill eliminating the duty to retreat before using deadly force.
Kasich told reporters that he still opposes both the “heartbeat bill” abortion ban and the “stand your ground”gun rights legislation, and will veto both measures if they reach his desk, The Columbus Dispatch reported Tuesday.
Editor: Apparently this slick politician doesn't care if the baby is alive or if someone is shooting at you. Anyone still think he will win the GOP nomination for 2020? Or maybe he will run as a European Progressive, aka "Democrat."
Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich told reporters Monday that he will veto both a bill banning abortion in the presence of an unborn baby’s heartbeat as well as a bill eliminating the duty to retreat before using deadly force.
Kasich told reporters that he still opposes both the “heartbeat bill” abortion ban and the “stand your ground”
Editor: Apparently this slick politician doesn't care if the baby is alive or if someone is shooting at you. Anyone still think he will win the GOP nomination for 2020? Or maybe he will run as a European Progressive, aka "Democrat."
Obama failed this country in ways we will never comprehend.
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos decided to reinstate a for-profit college watchdog Wednesday after it was shut down by former President Barack Obama’s administration in 2016.
The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), a national accreditor for nonpublic colleges, was found to comply with 19 out of 21 areas of responsibilities applicable to accrediting agencies, according to The Associated Press.
“After the previous administration failed to review 36,000 pages of documents related to ACICS’s
The ACICS has one year to come into compliance with “competency of the representatives” and “conflict of interest” criteria, according to an ACICS press statement.
“While it has been a challenging two-year process, we understand and appreciate
Want to know what these two turkeys (Hillary and Bill) did for thanksgiving?
Grifter Hillary Peddles Expensive Tickets to ‘An Evening With The Clintons’ Going Into Thanksgiving Holiday
Question: What are you when you sell yourself for profit to total strangers, everytime you can? And how does this make you different from the run of the mill street walker?
Can you believe the arrogant hyocrisy of the Left: On one hand they praise Mueller but on the other hand, they do not think he did a good job . . . so they have to finish up. No?
Adam Schiff’s House Intel Panel Hiring Money Laundering and Accounting Experts to Probe ‘Trump’s Ties to Russia’
Can you believe the arrogant hypocrisy of the Left: On one hand they praise Mueller but on the other hand, they do not think he did a good job . . . so they have to finish up. Did I get this right or what?
An 11 point comparison of Ivanka v Hillary's email failings:
- Ivanka did not know she was doing anything wrong. Hillary did.
- Ivanka did not engage in a cover up by deleting her emails, which means no laws were broken regarding the Presidential Records Act. Hillary deleted 33,000 emails.
- No classified information passed through Ivanka’s personal
email account . According to the FBI, Hillary sent or received over 100 emails containing classified information. - Ivanka did not set up a secret server in the bathroom of her private home. Hillary did.
- Ivanka did not lie about her emails. Hillary lied repeatedly.
- Ivanka did not use BleachBit. Hillary used BleachBit to ensure no one would ever read the 33,000 emails she deleted.
- Ivanka did not use a hammer to smash phones as a means to ensure no one saw her emails. Hillary used a hammer to destroy multiple mobile devices.
- Ivanka did not deliberately attempt to hide her emails from the public and government. Hillary set up a secret server in her bathroom, deleted 33,000 emails with BleachBit, and took a hammer to her phones.
- This is the first time Ivanka has worked in government — which lends credibility to the fact she did not know she was violating policy. Hillary installed a secret server after serving for two decades in government.
- Ivanka was not properly trained on the use of government and personal email. Hillary was and signed a document to that effect.
- Hillary claimed those 33,000 deleted were related to children and “yoga routines.” While she has not made this claim, it would be more believable coming from Ivanka.
Thanksgiving Off
Update: I will be posting Friday morning. Have a geat day ~ editor.
My four blogs have seen 2.369 million pageviews over the past 10 years. In the grand scheme of things, I am a very very small blog, but from a commercial point of view (selling ad space which I do not do), this is a free blog. Significance? That makes me one of the largest ad-free blogs on the NET, if not the largest.
I am 73. I have a Masters Degree and two Cal State construction licenses, a Class A and a Class B license (each equivalent to a Master's degree) Been a builder/carpenter for nearly 40 years and only went bankrupt once, a Chapter 11 restructuring. Our adult children include two teachers, two nurses, a lawyer, a business owner (solar) and an ER doctor. Add to this our 19 grandchildren, and we are a rather large family unit. Nobody in jail. No one on drugs. No one pregnant out of wed-lock, that I know of . . . . (we'd love 'em no matter what, btw).
My three sons were California state wrestling champions, something for which I am very proud. Went through a divorce, Got behind on my taxes, and now, 18 years later, all things are good. In other words, I am very much like most of the people who read this blog.
I give away about 40% of my after-the-bills income (several hundred dollars a month) and I encourage all of you to do the same. That's why I mention it. If I can do it, so can you.
Anyway, it's a good life. See you after Thanksgiving (through Sunday).
My four blogs have seen 2.369 million pageviews over the past 10 years. In the grand scheme of things, I am a very very small blog, but from a commercial point of view (selling ad space which I do not do), this is a free blog. Significance? That makes me one of the largest ad-free blogs on the NET, if not the largest.
I am 73. I have a Masters Degree and two Cal State construction licenses, a Class A and a Class B license (each equivalent to a Master's degree) Been a builder/carpenter for nearly 40 years and only went bankrupt once, a Chapter 11 restructuring. Our adult children include two teachers, two nurses, a lawyer, a business owner (solar) and an ER doctor. Add to this our 19 grandchildren, and we are a rather large family unit. Nobody in jail. No one on drugs. No one pregnant out of wed-lock, that I know of . . . . (we'd love 'em no matter what, btw).
My three sons were California state wrestling champions, something for which I am very proud. Went through a divorce, Got behind on my taxes, and now, 18 years later, all things are good. In other words, I am very much like most of the people who read this blog.
I give away about 40% of my after-the-bills income (several hundred dollars a month) and I encourage all of you to do the same. That's why I mention it. If I can do it, so can you.
Anyway, it's a good life. See you after Thanksgiving (through Sunday).
Chief Justice Roberts is speaking for the Supreme Court, not the 9th Circuit.
Chief Justice Roberts made the following statement to the Associated Press: “We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”
Editor: No one outside the justices in our court systems believes Roberts statement. Proof is the idiotic nonsense the Dems laid on Justice Kavanaugh all in the name of "preventing another Trump appointee" to the Court. In time, Roberts decisions in toto will be markedly different in their impact on society than those of Bader Ginsburg.
If you don't want to brand them "Trump judges," or "Clinton judges," at least recognize the divide that exists in our high courts that identifies some as activist judges, those who believe the Constitution is a living document and should be interpreted in the light of a changing domestic scene, and those justices who keep the original intent of the Consitution at the center of every decision.
Editor: No one outside the justices in our court systems believes Roberts statement. Proof is the idiotic nonsense the Dems laid on Justice Kavanaugh all in the name of "preventing another Trump appointee" to the Court. In time, Roberts decisions in toto will be markedly different in their impact on society than those of Bader Ginsburg.
If you don't want to brand them "Trump judges," or "Clinton judges," at least recognize the divide that exists in our high courts that identifies some as activist judges, those who believe the Constitution is a living document and should be interpreted in the light of a changing domestic scene, and those justices who keep the original intent of the Consitution at the center of every decision.
Want to know why the Dems can't nail Trump to the executioner's wall? Here is a perfect example:
From one of the enemies of this blog:
Trump has profited from business dealings with Saudis dating back at least to the 1990s, and his hotels continue to generate revenue from Saudi interests.
In June 2001, Trump sold the entire 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition to the purchase price of $12 million, the Saudis pay annual charges of more than $85,000 for building amenities.
Never mind that doing business in Saudi Arabia or anywhere in this world is not a crime and scarely worth a mention. Turning a profit is what businessmen do . . . . so why the waste of time in "exposing" Trump's financial successes?
Trump has profited from business dealings with Saudis dating back at least to the 1990s, and his hotels continue to generate revenue from Saudi interests.
In June 2001, Trump sold the entire 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition to the purchase price of $12 million, the Saudis pay annual charges of more than $85,000 for building amenities.
Never mind that doing business in Saudi Arabia or anywhere in this world is not a crime and scarely worth a mention. Turning a profit is what businessmen do . . . . so why the waste of time in "exposing" Trump's financial successes?
Rules for WH press conferences. Don't like these rules? Stay home with your parents. Get another court injunction? Cancel all future press conferences. Any questions?
1. “A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists;
2. At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor;
3. ‘Yielding the floor’ includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner;
4. Failure to abide by any of rules (1)-(3) may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass.”
2. At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor;
3. ‘Yielding the floor’ includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner;
4. Failure to abide by any of rules (1)-(3) may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass.”
Biggesty idssapointments to the Conservative Cause:
There have been several, but one of the biggest disappointments to the Conservative Movement (A.D. 2006 to the present) has been Paul Ryan. As far as a hard core Ever-Right political force we had hoped him to be, he really turned out to be a major dud. And there really isn't more to be said. Other than getting the tax bill past, there is little one can point to that sets Ryan apart form other GOP duds. He and GW rank near the top of my "disappointment ladder." Now, I am not saying that these two men were not conservatives, but I am saying that they did not distinquish themselves as such, suring their time in office. I quit listening to Glenn Beck years ago, but he was right when he framed GW as a moderate Progressive.
Othere disappoints: Fox New's "fair and balanced" format, Matt Drudge and whatever he thinks he is doing with his news portal, Martha McCallum (the edge has worn off her conservative presentations), George Will and his decision to court the Marxist Libs at CNN/MSNBC (along with Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney and his PC version of conservative politics (no "hard core" about this man), add Jeb Bush to the mix (a massive failure exposed by Trump's rough and tumble style).
Look for updates to this post.
Othere disappoints: Fox New's "fair and balanced" format, Matt Drudge and whatever he thinks he is doing with his news portal, Martha McCallum (the edge has worn off her conservative presentations), George Will and his decision to court the Marxist Libs at CNN/MSNBC (along with Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney and his PC version of conservative politics (no "hard core" about this man), add Jeb Bush to the mix (a massive failure exposed by Trump's rough and tumble style).
Look for updates to this post.
Statement from the President regarding Saudi Arabia
America First!
The world is a very dangerous place!The country of Iran, as an example, is responsible for a bloody proxy war against Saudi Arabia in Yemen, trying to destabilize Iraq’s fragile attempt at democracy, supporting the terror group Hezbollah in Lebanon, propping up dictator Bashar Assad in Syria (who has killed millions of his own citizens), and much more. Likewise, the Iranians have killed many Americans and other innocent people throughout the Middle East. Iran states openly, and with great force, “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” Iran is considered “the world’s leading sponsor of terror.”
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia would gladly withdraw from Yemen if the Iranians would agree to leave. They would immediately provide desperately needed humanitarian assistance. Additionally, Saudi Arabia has agreed to spend billions of dollars in leading the fight against Radical Islamic Terrorism.
After my heavily negotiated trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Kingdom agreed to spend and invest $450 billion in the United States. This is a record amount of money. It will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, tremendous economic development, and much additional wealth for the United States. Of the $450 billion, $110 billion will be spent on the purchase of military equipment from Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and many other great U.S. defense contractors. If we foolishly cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the enormous beneficiaries – and very happy to acquire all of this newfound business. It would be a wonderful gift to them directly from the United States!
The crime against Jamal Khashoggi was a terrible one, and one that our country does not condone. Indeed, we have taken strong action against those already known to have participated in the murder. After great independent research, we now know many details of this horrible crime. We have already sanctioned 17 Saudis known to have been involved in the murder of Mr. Khashoggi, and the disposal of his body.
Representatives of Saudi Arabia say that Jamal Khashoggi was an “enemy of the state” and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but my decision is in no way based on that – this is an unacceptable and horrible crime. King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!
That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran. The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region. It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!
I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction – and they are free to do so. I will consider whatever ideas are presented to me, but only if they are consistent with the absolute security and safety of America. After the United States, Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producing nation in the world. They have worked closely with us and have been very responsive to my requests to keeping oil prices at reasonable levels – so important for the world. As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm. Very simply it is called America First!
He needs her help to push as many of the 200 court nominees through the Senate.
McConnell is lobbying Arizona's governor to name McSally as Kyl replacement — Washington (CNN)Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is leveraging his political power to try to convince Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to choose Rep. Martha McSally …
He needs her help to push as many of the 200 court nominees through the Senate. She can help until the winner of her election is sworn into office.
He needs her help to push as many of the 200 court nominees through the Senate. She can help until the winner of her election is sworn into office.
Mia Love may wind up winning her election, after all.
Election update from Utah County widens Mia Love's lead to 1,516 votes — Rep. Mia Love widened her lead over Democratic challenger Ben McAdams on Monday after a morning update from Utah County. — Love, a two-term Republican congresswoman, is current winning the race by 1,516 votes
Please tell me they are not going to get excited about Ivanka after Crooked Hillary and her 60,000 emails kept on an illegal server.
EditWashington Post: Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year
that is 60,000 before the 33,000 went "missing."
The Senate can play the same game played by the House . . . so says Lindsey.
(CNSNews.com) - When it comes to investigations of things past, two
sides can play that game. That's the message from Sen. Lindsey Graham
(R-S.C.), who is expected to chair the Senate Judiciary Committee in the
next Congress.
Christ Wallace has proven himself to a classic fool.
"Can you envision a situation well into your second term where you think you're so good for the country and so essential to the progress of the country that you would try to amend the Constitution so you could serve a third term?"
Editor: Apparently Wallace does not know that Trump could not extend his term even if he wanted to. Did Wallace ever think of asking Barack this same idiotic question? OF COURSE NOT.
Editor: Apparently Wallace does not know that Trump could not extend his term even if he wanted to. Did Wallace ever think of asking Barack this same idiotic question? OF COURSE NOT.
There are five House seats in California's Orange County.. Dems cheat their way to four victories. Just wait until 2020.
The 39th district was officially called for Democrat Gil Cisneros over Republican Young Kim who was up by 3 points on election night and was set to be the first Korean-American Congresswoman. The Democrats stole this race with ‘late votes.’
Young Kim was up by 3,900 votes on election night with 100% of the precincts reporting according to AP and she ended up losing by 3,000 votes 11 days after the election.
Republican Congresswoman Mimi Walters in California’s 45th district was also ahead on election night then was magically defeated by Democrat Katie Porter several days after the election.
Democrat Katie Porter was trailing Mimi Walters on election night then jumped ahead by hundreds of votes after the Democrats produced thousands of ballots after the election.
Read the full story here.
Young Kim was up by 3,900 votes on election night with 100% of the precincts reporting according to AP and she ended up losing by 3,000 votes 11 days after the election.
Republican Congresswoman Mimi Walters in California’s 45th district was also ahead on election night then was magically defeated by Democrat Katie Porter several days after the election.
Democrat Katie Porter was trailing Mimi Walters on election night then jumped ahead by hundreds of votes after the Democrats produced thousands of ballots after the election.
Read the full story here.
This is why the Left is constantly on the losing side of a political argument.
Newsweek writer Nina Burleigh claimed Saturday that almost every person she has heard of who owns an AR-15 rifle “has been a mass murderer.”
Editor: Think about it, because she certianly won't. There are 11-14 million AR-15 owners, and she knows they are all mass murderers?
Editor: Think about it, because she certianly won't. There are 11-14 million AR-15 owners, and she knows they are all mass murderers?
Well, you won't believe this.
Report: Browns Interested in Hiring Condoleezza Rice As Head Coach
Go back a re-read: They are INTERESTED. WOW.
Hillary, the first black First Lady, taught Georgia's first black governor (Abrams) how to pout and act out like a spoiled rich child.
Abrams Won’t Say Kemp Legitimate Georgia Guv.
Hillary, the first black First Lady, taught Georgia first black governor how to pout and act out like a spoiled rich child.
If you are a Millennial, you won't know that Bill and Harry running for the Presidency back in the 90's, called themselves "the first black presidency," an in your face insult to the real black community.
We will all be glad when this do-nothing is finally gone, noi?
…Jeff Flake: Voters in the Suburbs Don’t Support POTUS
Editor: Voters in Arizona don't support Flake. It's called "politics."
Fact Check: Did Alisyn Camerota, a pretend conservative while working at Fox News, allows NRA supporters to be branded "child murderers." True or false.

“On your network, you’ve allowed accusations against me and millions of law-abiding Americans to be indicted as child murderers,” Loesch said. “I’ve watched you, Alisyn, on your program
An apparent credible history of "recounts" and their results.
Before reading, the question that is not answered is most important: In recent times, the last 60 years or more, how many recounts "discovered" votes that favored Democrats and were previous "lost?" All including Gore in Florida. Now, this does not mean elections were reversed, but it does mean the Democrats tried like hell. They always do. And this election cycle is no exception ~ editor.
Politico reporter Marc Caputo claimed on MSNBC that recounts rarely reverse the outcome of an election.
“If you look at all of the other recounts that we’ve had, both in Florida – we haven’t had a statewide one in, well, in quite some time – or around the nation, it’s very rare that recounts overturn an election, and it’s even rarer that they overturn elections where the margins is in the thousands and thousands of votes,” he said Nov. 12.
Verdict: True
From 2000 to 2015, 27 statewide general elections were followed by recounts, and only three overturned the outcome. Those three elections had initial victory margins under 500 votes.
Fact Check:
Caputo made the claim in light of outgoing Gov. Rick Scott’s Senate race against Democratic incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, as well as the Florida gubernatorial election between Democrat Andrew Gillum and Republican Ron DeSantis.
Scott appeared to win on election night, but days later, his 56,000-vote lead narrowed to fewer than 13,000 votes. Gillum conceded to DeSantis, but later retracted his concession as DeSantis’ lead fell from 84,000 votes to roughly 33,000.
Machine recounts were ordered for both races with a deadline of Thursday. The recount only shifted the governor’s race by one vote, and Gillum conceded once again on Saturday. The Senate race is now undergoing a manual recount that must be completed by 12 p.m. Sunday.
No statewide election between 1980 and 2000 had its outcome reversed by a recount. Of the 4,687
Politico reporter Marc Caputo claimed on MSNBC that recounts rarely reverse the outcome of an election.
“If you look at all of the other recounts that we’ve had, both in Florida – we haven’t had a statewide one in, well, in quite some time – or around the nation, it’s very rare that recounts overturn an election, and it’s even rarer that they overturn elections where the margins is in the thousands and thousands of votes,” he said Nov. 12.
Verdict: True
From 2000 to 2015, 27 statewide general elections were followed by recounts, and only three overturned the outcome. Those three elections had initial victory margins under 500 votes.
Caputo made the claim in light of outgoing Gov. Rick Scott’s Senate race against Democratic incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, as well as the Florida gubernatorial election between Democrat Andrew Gillum and Republican Ron DeSantis.
Scott appeared to win on election night, but days later, his 56,000-vote lead narrowed to fewer than 13,000 votes. Gillum conceded to DeSantis, but later retracted his concession as DeSantis’ lead fell from 84,000 votes to roughly 33,000.
Machine recounts were ordered for both races with a deadline of Thursday. The recount only shifted the governor’s race by one vote, and Gillum conceded once again on Saturday. The Senate race is now undergoing a manual recount that must be completed by 12 p.m. Sunday.
This is how Trump intends to handle immature reporters in the future. (video)
Regardless of the Court's silly judgment, Trump will not have Acosta
doing what he did last week . . . . . . period.
Trump is taking steps to stop the Acosta problem in its tracks.
Trump: ‘We’re Writing Up Rules and Regulations’ for Reporter Decorum at Press Conferences
And if that doesn't work, just cancel all future press conferences.
And if that doesn't work, just cancel all future press conferences.
Is there some reason why this woman has not be fired 10 years ago, besides the fact that she is black?
WOW! Broward County Loses 2,040 Ballots – Supervisor Brenda Snipes Says: “We Think They’re Somewhere in the Building”
Related example of incompetence by the same woman in charge:
Broward County Hand Recount Comes to Grinding Halt After Lawyers Discover Volunteers Were Counting the Wrong Ballots
Update on my friend in Idaho.
I have been in Idaho for the past two weeks, taking care of business for a friend of 40 years. She is recovering after being pronounced dead twice. There is hope that she will actually return to her home within two months. Anyway, I am heading home Sunday morning. Be home on Monday. Seriously, there is no place like home . . . . . and God is good.
He quit the Paris Climate Accord but his administration of carbon emissions leads the entire world.
Despite John Kerry’s Carnival Barking — US Leads Global Community in Reductions in CO2 Emissions
Editor: Sorry Traitor Kerry, you don't have to give billions of dollars away as a member of the Paris Accord to lead the world in this key environmental category. Trump is against wealth distribution but supports pollution control.
Anyone who wasn't a Marx Progressive knew there was mass cheating going on in Florida. Now the investigations.
Greg P. / twitchy.com:
‘Active criminal investigation’: No big deal, just Florida Dems lawyering up as feds and state investigate possible voter fraud
— Politico's Marc Caputo and Matt Dixon are reporting that the Florida
Democratic party has “lawyered up” as it has finally dawned on them that staffers who sent altered documents to
voters in an effort to fix vote-by-mail ballots might have broken the
After saying earlier in the week that the state officials were trying “divert attention” away from the Department of State, which is part of Gov. Rick Scott’s administration, the Democrats on Friday took a different approach: They lawyered up.
After saying earlier in the week that the state officials were trying “divert attention” away from the Department of State, which is part of Gov. Rick Scott’s administration, the Democrats on Friday took a different approach: They lawyered up.
“Upon receiving notice of the allegations that the form was incorrect, FDP took immediate steps, including hiring an independent investigator to review the issues at hand,” attorney Mark Herron said in a statement provided by a party spokeswoman. “As soon as we know the results of the investigation we will advise you.”
Trump is going to call Dems bluff on the wall. Lets see who wins this one.
David J. Lynch / Washington Post:
‘This would be a very good time to do a shutdown,’ Trump says
— President Trump suggested Saturday he was prepared to shut down the
federal government next month if Congress fails to give him the money he
wants to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.
No problems with Kavanaugh and "membership" on the High Court.
Sotomayor says Kavanaugh a part of the Supreme Court ‘family’
— Washington (CNN)Justice Sonia Sotomayor in an interview with CNN's
David Axelrod said that Justice Brett Kavanaugh was welcomed into the
Supreme Court “family” in the wake of his polarizing confirmation
Part of the Media's strategy in their take down all things "conservative," is to create bogus headlines quoting "sources," and then pretend they are legit members of the free press community.
The following is an intentional lie told by the NY Times
for no other purpose than to raise doubts concerning
the Trump Administration, hense "the enemy of the people."
AOL reports that "President Trump has privately questioned Vice President Mike Pence’s loyalty, reports the New York Times.
“In one conversation after another, he has asked aides and advisers a pointed question: Is Mike Pence loyal?” according to the Times.
“Trump has repeated the question so many times that he has alarmed some of his advisers,” the Times noted, citing sources. “The president has not openly suggested dropping Mr. Pence from the ticket and picking another running mate, but the advisers say those kinds of questions usually indicate that he has grown irritated with someone.”
This helps prove the U.N. to be an organization of thieves and despots.
The resolution titled "Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people..." was adopted by a vote of 153 - 6 - 9. Australia, Canada, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and the United States voted no.
Click on image to increase to a readable size.
Look, the GOP loses in Orange County was wholly predictable. After all, California is a radicalized statist community of Marxist believers, in ways unmatched by any other state in the Union including New York. .
RIP, California GOP: Republicans lash out after midterm election debacle
Editor: Understand that there are places in California where normal patriotic folks can live in community. Orange County is [still] one of those places, but, more so, are the San Joaquin Valley and much of the population north of Sacramento along with
Editor: Understand that there are places in California where normal patriotic folks can live in community. Orange County is [still] one of those places, but, more so, are the San Joaquin Valley and much of the population north of Sacramento along with
Can Trump save that military hardware deal with Saudi Arabia with this news.
Washington Post:
CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi's assassination — The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul last month, contradicting the Saudi government's claims that he was not involved in the killing …
Editor: How could the CIA make a different decision? I mean, Turkey had bugged the embassy and the CIA has listened to the shameful murder. Personally, I have never believed that Saudi was a true friend of the U.S. going back to 9/11. 17 of the 19 terrorists on that day, came from Saudi Arabia, but GW Bush did not seem to care about that little fact. Now, Prince Salman, has been proven to be a vicious head of state . . . . beyond anything we want to imagine.
The deal I mention includes billions of dollars in military sales and thousands of American jobs. And this is the problem in dealing with any of the characters in the Middle East. Salman is hardly the only vicious ruler in the Middle East. Like the man once asked, "Are there any moderate militants in the Muslim world?"
Trump's next move? Time will tell. Just do not forget that we (Democrat and Republican presidents) deal with China and Russia, and Obama made love to the Castro's and Hugo Chavez.
Even the Mexicans want the Caravan deported . . . . and NOW.
Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Thursday that caravan migrants arriving by the hundreds are no longer welcome, an increasingly common sentiment among residents of the Mexican border city.
Gastelum described the caravan of Central American migrants as a “horde” that has been infiltrated by criminals who now threaten the community, in an interview with Milenio Television.
“Tijuana is a city of immigrants, but we don’t want them in this way,” the mayor, a member
Gastelum described the caravan of Central American migrants as a “horde” that has been infiltrated by criminals who now threaten the community, in an interview with Milenio Television.
“Tijuana is a city of immigrants, but we don’t want them in this way,” the mayor, a member
Can you imagine a union leader fighting against allowingNo a working man the right to earn a living without his stinking opinion? No? Neither could this judge.
A state law banning employees from being forced to pay union dues as a condition for holding a certain job went into effect in Kentucky in January 2017. Kentucky branches of the AFL-CIO and Teamsters unions sued to overturn the law in May 2017. A circuit court judge upheld the law after the initial challenge, and the State Supreme Court upheld the ruling on appeal.
“The court rejected a desperate attempt by union bosses to re-impose their power to have a worker fired for refusing to pay dues or fees to a union they oppose,” National Right to Work Foundation (NRTW) President Mark Mix said in a statement. NRTW attorneys represented defendants in the case.
“The court rejected a desperate attempt by union bosses to re-impose their power to have a worker fired for refusing to pay dues or fees to a union they oppose,” National Right to Work Foundation (NRTW) President Mark Mix said in a statement. NRTW attorneys represented defendants in the case.
Text from The Daily Caller, here.
Seriously, DeSantis up by 33,000 and Scott is up by 12,600.
The initial numbers are not looking good for Democrats in the high-profile races. The critical
Florida U.S. Senate seat and governorship, both initially won by
Republicans, are looking like the GOP has actually gained numbers in
their recount tallies.
After the recount tallies are in, Republican Ron DeSantis leads his Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum by 33,683 votes for the Florida Governor’s race, which has now all but been decided in favor of the Republican candidate
For the U.S. Senate seat, Scott leads Nelson by 12,603 — that race now goes to a manual recount
After the recount tallies are in, Republican Ron DeSantis leads his Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum by 33,683 votes for the Florida Governor’s race, which has now all but been decided in favor of the Republican candidate
For the U.S. Senate seat, Scott leads Nelson by 12,603 — that race now goes to a manual recount
Smoking gun as to voter fraud: Rubio shares proof of voter fraud in Broward County. Somebody needs to go to jail.
A day after Florida’s election left top state races too close to call, a Democratic party leader directed staffers and volunteers to share altered election forms with voters to fix signature problems on absentee ballots after the state’s deadline.The Naples Daily News posted a copy of the Democrat instruction form to voters.
The altered forms surfaced in Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus and Okaloosa counties and were reported to federal prosecutors to review for possible election fraud as Florida counties completed a required recount in three top races.
But an email obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK – Florida shows that Florida Democrats were organizing a broader statewide effort beyond those counties to give voters the altered forms to fix improper absentee ballots after the Nov. 5 deadline. Democratic party leaders provided staffers with copies of a form, known as a “cure affidavit,” that had been modified to include an inaccurate Nov. 8 deadline.
Assange is apparently being charged in his leaking of hundreds of classified documents. Sorry folks, his indicted is unrelated to the Trump/Russian fantasy.
(AFP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was behind a massive dump of classified US documents in 2010, has been charged in the United States, WikiLeaks said Thursday.
Prosecutors revealed the existence of the sealed indictment inadvertently in a court filing in an unrelated case, WikiLeaks said.Senator Mike Lee's 40 min speech, in which he expresses the fear of another Civil War. I mean, the Democrats already started one Civil War. Might as well go for two. After all, they have been burning our cities and killing our cops as a prelude . . . for years.
Mike Lee's speech begins at 12.26 in the video and, yes, there is sound . . . a
40 min period in which Senator Lee presents his thoughts and answers question.
40 min period in which Senator Lee presents his thoughts and answers question.
What you do not know about Michelle Obama
Pretending to sign some kind of agreement on the Ellen Show, yesterday, Mrs. Obama smiled as she said, "I am a lawyer," then put her name on the dotted line.
Actually, she and her wannabe Muslim husband voided their law licenses in the days before being sworn into office back in 2008 . . . . . . the only presidential couple in American history, to have canceled their law licenses before stepping into the office of the Presidency. In so doing, they avoided ethics considerations, potential ethics considerations coming from the Amercian Bar Association, the same Association that took Bill Clinton's law license away from him for five years following the Monica scandal and his lies about that affair.
By the way, Michelle was on The Ellen Show hawking her 56-63 million dollar book (her signing advance). Turns out, these people are all about making money and are no different from the fraudulent personality that Hillary has become.
Actually, she and her wannabe Muslim husband voided their law licenses in the days before being sworn into office back in 2008 . . . . . . the only presidential couple in American history, to have canceled their law licenses before stepping into the office of the Presidency. In so doing, they avoided ethics considerations, potential ethics considerations coming from the Amercian Bar Association, the same Association that took Bill Clinton's law license away from him for five years following the Monica scandal and his lies about that affair.
By the way, Michelle was on The Ellen Show hawking her 56-63 million dollar book (her signing advance). Turns out, these people are all about making money and are no different from the fraudulent personality that Hillary has become.
Why Senator Flake is such a flake: its called "demagoguery."
A liberal's comment to this blog:
Today, Flake and Graham came out in support of a bill to protect the Special Counsel. Only a criminal . . . . would seek to disable Mueller - due to what law enforcement would call 'consciousness of guilt'.
Editor's response:
Actually, only a Constitutional Parliamentarian would work to preserve the powers of the presidency as regards to the hiring and firing of those under his authorized presidential powers. Having said this, there is absolutely no evidence to support the conspiracy theory that Trump is about to end Mueller's feckless search for Russian Collusion . . . none . . . except for
Today, Flake and Graham came out in support of a bill to protect the Special Counsel. Only a criminal . . . . would seek to disable Mueller - due to what law enforcement would call 'consciousness of guilt'.
Editor's response:
Actually, only a Constitutional Parliamentarian would work to preserve the powers of the presidency as regards to the hiring and firing of those under his authorized presidential powers. Having said this, there is absolutely no evidence to support the conspiracy theory that Trump is about to end Mueller's feckless search for Russian Collusion . . . none . . . except for
Here is a typical albeit mindless attack against Tucker Carlson, the # 1 Tellie Prognosticator in the country. Their problem? They really can't match wits with the man and it pisses them off.
An Atlantic hit piece that attributes its own failing onto Tucker Carlson:
Last week, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, or else the eponymous populist demagogue that he plays on TV, declared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, “If you’re looking to understand what’s actually happening in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they’re telling you on the big news stations.”
Editor: Eponymous = the foundational soul of a people or movement; populist = a representative of the common man; demagogue = one who uses every means possible to gain or maintain power. Tucker is none of the above because he is a freaking talk show host. And he is not just a host, he is one who allows the opposition to make their point(s) . . . . the very opposite of a "demagogue."
He has previously hosted TV shows on CNN, MSNBC, and PBS.
Editor: So, because he worked for CNN, the commies at MSNBC and PBS, he can't warn us against believing everything presented to us on televised network programming. How silly.
While not uncharacteristic of the flagrantly illogical pandering regularly broadcast on his current show,
Editor: " flagrantly illogical pandering" ---- well, for starters,
Last week, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, or else the eponymous populist demagogue that he plays on TV, declared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, “If you’re looking to understand what’s actually happening in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they’re telling you on the big news stations.”
Editor: Eponymous = the foundational soul of a people or movement; populist = a representative of the common man; demagogue = one who uses every means possible to gain or maintain power. Tucker is none of the above because he is a freaking talk show host. And he is not just a host, he is one who allows the opposition to make their point(s) . . . . the very opposite of a "demagogue."
He has previously hosted TV shows on CNN, MSNBC, and PBS.
Editor: So, because he worked for CNN, the commies at MSNBC and PBS, he can't warn us against believing everything presented to us on televised network programming. How silly.
While not uncharacteristic of the flagrantly illogical pandering regularly broadcast on his current show,
Editor: " flagrantly illogical pandering" ---- well, for starters,
On every broadcast, the media reminds its listeners that Trump's complaint of "voter fraud" has no evidence of being true. Oh really?
Attempting to count illegal alien ballots . . . that is called voter fraud. Bringing boxes of votes to be counted, votes that have no chain of custody, that's voter fraud. Submitting hundreds of ballots whose signatures do not match registered signatures . . . thats called voter fraud.
Once again, the media is not to be trusted, alla Saul Alinsky,
Once again, the media is not to be trusted, alla Saul Alinsky,
President Macron suggests building an European Military Force as if NATO does not exist. The man is mental. Trump responds with a tweet.
The problem is that Emmanuel suffers from a very low Approval Rating in France, 26%, and an unemployment rate of almost 10%. He was just trying to get onto another subject. By the way, there is no country more Nationalist than France, very proud people-and rightfully so!........
Editor's notes: Here is the problem with Macron. He knows full well that Trump cares about the nations outside of the US. I mean, it was Trump who helped strengthened NATO or have some you pinheads forgotten? What he (Macron) is really upset about is this: Trump is the first American President not to go along with the "values" of the EU, namely, a borderless community of nations that relies on U.S. military might to preseve the future of
Rick Santorum, a never Trumper, buys into the Left tripe that "black women cannot be criticized by white conservatives, especially if named 'Trump' "
Keep in mind as you read, (A) that the black women Rick Santorum has in mind include declared enemies of Trump: Namely, April Ryan of CNN, Maxine Waters, Mrs. Obama, and, (B) its not that they are black, but that they are harsh critics regardless of color. As it happens, however, there are no more racist women on the planet than the three named above ~ editor.
Note: When Santorum says, "He does attack everybody . . . but he should attack black women," he is caving to the Leftist doctrine that Blacks and especially Black women are off limits."
“He can’t see this in a vacuum,” the former lawmaker and CNN contributor continued. “He went after people, specifically African American women, and he has to recognize that that’s a problem and he shouldn’t do that.”
Note: There is a reason why Santorum is a featured Conservative contributor at CNN . . . he is a sell-out to the Cause. How do I know? Because CNN is a Globalist Media Enclave, opposed to all of the conservative agenda and many of its elected officials including Ronald Reagan, Bush 41 and 43, and, now, Trump. Turns out that Trump is only one of the four who "returns fire." Ted Turner founded CNN (1980) to oppose Ronald Reagan and David Gregory was just as insulting to GW Bush as Jim Acosta is to President Trump. We forget all this, but these are the facts. There is nothing new, here, except that Trump is tearing down the Progressive Legacy (not just the Obama Legacy), and that is why he is so hated ~ editor.
Source: The Hill, here, and Midknight Review editor.
BTW, Santorum joins the likes of George Wills and Bill Krystol, men having left Fox News to join CNN and MSNBC.
“He does attack everybody,” Santorum said on CNN’s State of the Union. “The president does treat everybody that confronts him poorly, but that being said he needs to be aware of what he’s doing.”Note: When Santorum says, "He does attack everybody . . . but he should attack black women," he is caving to the Leftist doctrine that Blacks and especially Black women are off limits."
“He can’t see this in a vacuum,” the former lawmaker and CNN contributor continued. “He went after people, specifically African American women, and he has to recognize that that’s a problem and he shouldn’t do that.”
Note: There is a reason why Santorum is a featured Conservative contributor at CNN . . . he is a sell-out to the Cause. How do I know? Because CNN is a Globalist Media Enclave, opposed to all of the conservative agenda and many of its elected officials including Ronald Reagan, Bush 41 and 43, and, now, Trump. Turns out that Trump is only one of the four who "returns fire." Ted Turner founded CNN (1980) to oppose Ronald Reagan and David Gregory was just as insulting to GW Bush as Jim Acosta is to President Trump. We forget all this, but these are the facts. There is nothing new, here, except that Trump is tearing down the Progressive Legacy (not just the Obama Legacy), and that is why he is so hated ~ editor.
Source: The Hill, here, and Midknight Review editor.
BTW, Santorum joins the likes of George Wills and Bill Krystol, men having left Fox News to join CNN and MSNBC.
The Left's view of religion is very different from the religion of the Right.
No faith in God? What to do? Well, I guess your religion of choice, then, is either "social justice" and all of its worn out causes, or environmentalism.
There is a third alternative to God. You. And most non-believers worship themselves. For them, its all about personal "advancement," personal pleasure, self-serving wealth, the general accumulation of things. That becomes your God in a collective sense of the word.
Will religion in this country "take a hit" in the coming decades? Probably, Just understand that "church" is replaced with the Mob and its involvement with environmental issues or group campaigns supporting social justice causes, but the private mission of the godless, is for the most part, all about themselves. My mission in life is me.
My point? When politics, social justice, and environmentalism become one's religion, they are the only righteous ones, and you, the opposition, you are evil. Again, you are not simply wrong, you are evil. The first commandment for the Left is, "Thou shalt not speak to those who are evil. Thou shalt not give them rest, shelter, food or a place in this society."
Now you know why the Left has become as intolerant as they have become.
There is a third alternative to God. You. And most non-believers worship themselves. For them, its all about personal "advancement," personal pleasure, self-serving wealth, the general accumulation of things. That becomes your God in a collective sense of the word.
Will religion in this country "take a hit" in the coming decades? Probably, Just understand that "church" is replaced with the Mob and its involvement with environmental issues or group campaigns supporting social justice causes, but the private mission of the godless, is for the most part, all about themselves. My mission in life is me.
My point? When politics, social justice, and environmentalism become one's religion, they are the only righteous ones, and you, the opposition, you are evil. Again, you are not simply wrong, you are evil. The first commandment for the Left is, "Thou shalt not speak to those who are evil. Thou shalt not give them rest, shelter, food or a place in this society."
Now you know why the Left has become as intolerant as they have become.
So they get their butts handed to them in 2010, lost 4 million votes in 2012 compared to 2008, suffered the most one-sided midterm (2014) in 100 years, Trump in2016 and could not match historic midterm averages in 2018.
After a decade of election failures, they decide to keep the same failed leadership they have had for ever. Pelosi is 236 years old and Hillary is as compromised as a human can get at 210 years of age.
Hillary Will Run Again — Reinventing herself as a liberal firebrand, Mrs. Clinton will easily capture the 2020 nomination. — Get ready for Hillary Clinton 4.0. More than 30 years in the making, this new version of Mrs. Clinton, when she runs for president in 2020, will come full circle …
Nationalism is being attacked by those who have no regard for truth.
France's Macron denounces nationalism as a ‘betrayal of patriotism’ in rebuke to Trump at WWI remembrance
Speaking in French, Macron emphasized a global order based on liberal values is worth defending against those who have sought to disrupt that system. The millions of soldiers who died in the Great War fought to defend the “universal values” of France, he said, and to reject the “selfishness of nations only looking after their own interests. Because patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.”
Note: No one on the Right believes that our nation comes first to the total and complete disregard for other nations . . . . . no one. So, when you hear such commentary coming from the likes a President Macron, you know, without doubt, that you are listening to a man who lies in order to further his own political goals . . . . its a "lie with purpose." Still a lie.
Editor's notes: There is a book written in 1972 that is still in print due to its continuing popularity with Left Leaning forces and many in the leadership of the Democrat Party. It's title? Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The reader interested in "politics," really should own this book. After an extensive preface, the first chapter of this book deals with the doctrine of "ways and means." Alinsky believed that a just cause demanded the use of every possible rhetorical tool including lying, misrepresenting facts, all in the name of "the ends justifying the means necessary to achieve those ends." The Democrats actually believe this pathetic misappropriation of "values." This is why Barack Obama lied about every major point of ObamaCare.
He told us it wasn't
Speaking in French, Macron emphasized a global order based on liberal values is worth defending against those who have sought to disrupt that system. The millions of soldiers who died in the Great War fought to defend the “universal values” of France, he said, and to reject the “selfishness of nations only looking after their own interests. Because patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.”
“By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others, we erase the very thing that a nation holds dearest, and the thing that keeps it alive: its moral values,” Macron said.
He denounced fringe ideologies that have become more mainstream, warping religious beliefs and setting loose extremist forces on a “sinister course once again that could undermine the legacy of peace we thought we had forever sealed.”Note: No one on the Right believes that our nation comes first to the total and complete disregard for other nations . . . . . no one. So, when you hear such commentary coming from the likes a President Macron, you know, without doubt, that you are listening to a man who lies in order to further his own political goals . . . . its a "lie with purpose." Still a lie.
Editor's notes: There is a book written in 1972 that is still in print due to its continuing popularity with Left Leaning forces and many in the leadership of the Democrat Party. It's title? Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The reader interested in "politics," really should own this book. After an extensive preface, the first chapter of this book deals with the doctrine of "ways and means." Alinsky believed that a just cause demanded the use of every possible rhetorical tool including lying, misrepresenting facts, all in the name of "the ends justifying the means necessary to achieve those ends." The Democrats actually believe this pathetic misappropriation of "values." This is why Barack Obama lied about every major point of ObamaCare.
He told us it wasn't
Did you know . . . . and why do these facts NOT drive you away from the Democrat Party?
Let me start with the obvious: The Dems have a habit of making promises to Black and Hispanics without any intention of fulfilling those promises? Take 2009 / 2010, the two year period the Dems had a super majority in the House and the Senate. The GOP was powerless to challenge anything the Dems thought to do during this time. So why did the Dems not pass "comprehensive immigration" in 2009 when the Republicans COULD NOT stop them? Answer: They needed this issue for the next election cycle. We call this a "wedge issue," and the Dems need such issues for their next election effort.
Secondly, only Democrat Blacks talk filth when they angrily address the GOP. That NEVER happens with a Black Republican. Go ahead and prove me wrong.
Finally, know this: Southern Democrats started the Civil War because they wanted to con50tinue their plantations . . . . period. It was the Dems who invented the KKK; all members of that terrible organization were Democrats and ALL of the Jim Crow laws were written and passed by Democrats. Further, Presidents Woodrow Wilson and FDR, icons of the Progressive Left, both segregated their militaries before WW I and WW II respectively. And the Left, under the leadership of LBJ, voted down segregation reform bills presented by Eisenhower in the 1950's only pass the same type of legislation in 1964.
Secondly, only Democrat Blacks talk filth when they angrily address the GOP. That NEVER happens with a Black Republican. Go ahead and prove me wrong.
Finally, know this: Southern Democrats started the Civil War because they wanted to con50tinue their plantations . . . . period. It was the Dems who invented the KKK; all members of that terrible organization were Democrats and ALL of the Jim Crow laws were written and passed by Democrats. Further, Presidents Woodrow Wilson and FDR, icons of the Progressive Left, both segregated their militaries before WW I and WW II respectively. And the Left, under the leadership of LBJ, voted down segregation reform bills presented by Eisenhower in the 1950's only pass the same type of legislation in 1964.
Why does this sort of crap only happen when Democrats are losing an election they see as critical?
Here We Go–> Georgia Democrat Party Says Thousands of New “Absentee, Early, and Election Day Votes” Were Just Discovered in Several Counties
You will excuse me for this following commentary . . . . . . . Bull Shit.
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