Barack slept during the time his people were being murdered in Benghazi - a well known fact. He calls this a conspiracy theory and the man . . .

Barack slept during the time his people were being murdered in Benghazi  -  a well known fact.  He calls this a conspiracy theory but the man who rescured the survivors, brands Obama "scum"  and presents a challenge to this most cowardly President. 

Kris Paronto was in Benghazi when Islamic extremists overran a U.S. embassy and consulate, killing four Americans. Paronto, a former U.S. Army Ranger, was working as a CIA security contractor at the time.
Paronto called Obama a “cowardly ass” and “scum” for referencing Benghazi in the speech.
“Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?!” Paronto tweeted, “How bout we do this, let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies & shoot rpg’s & Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for U.S. support that you never sent.”

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