Manufacturing employment in the United States peaked in June 1979 at
19,553,000. Despite the recent gains, the current level of 12,751,000 is
6,802,000—or 34.8 percent—below that. Before Trump, manufacturing employment levels had fallen to a nominal 12,350,000. Trumps Administration adding 400,000 jobs during his time as President, and four years after Barack Obama gave us the bad news, "Manufacturing in the United States is a lost economy."
As long as we - the United States economy - are spending our own "in house" money to bolster GDP, the economy will suffer increasing debt. Trade and product sales (technology, automobiles, . . . . . .
manufacturing, the air industry, and, ag exports, to name a few categories) bring in new money and increases the health of our GDP.
In other words, there is good GDP and there is bad GDP. Understand that "GDP" is the sum total of all financial transactions in the country; it is a measure of the flow of dollars: charity giving, wages, expense funding, newly purchased inventories, sales (foreign and domestic), paid taxes, campaign funding, penalties paid, fines collected, the funding of our national debt . . . any and all financial transactions.
Leadership cannot afford to be glib about a weakening manufacturing base. Repairing potholes, solar panels, wind mill production, weather stripping our homes, free electric golf carts, painting our rooftops and streets white, cash for clunkers, and other rank silliness from the Obama Administration, did absolutely nothing for this economy or to "save the planet."
Thank gawd for the advent of Donald Trump and the business commonsense he has brought to the table . . . . and the national economy is actually responding in a most needed way.