What if Mueller is so angry at Trump, that he takes two, three, or, more years (we are told that there are legal matters that he has postponed for two years), and plans on prosecuting Trump as a citizen, after his term as president is completed, whether one term or two ? And if he (Mueller) is expanding the investigation in New York State, north, where Trump cannot pardon himself, well, that could be . . . .
a problem.
I no longer believe there is an investigation into Russian collusion with Trump. That investigation could not have gone on for this long, without Mueller having made "the case." The most recent headlines, posted this past week, have to do with hiring more investigators, and expanding the investigation into the north state of New York. Now, we do not know if this expansion involves Trump, so I am only speculating.
Mueller was appointed at a time when the Dems hoped they could stop Trump via a "soft coup" via the Mueller investigation. Well, that has taken too long and Trump has done too much damage to the Progressive cause, to allow any hope that Trump is not going to - at least - finish his first term.
So, why does Mueller wait on a criminal indictment for, say, tax fraud, if in fact, that is what he is doing?
Well, there is the thought that a sitting President cannot be indicted. Not sure why that debate has become a part of the national discussion, because, of course, he can be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. Secondly, such a trial for impeachment would be a very difficult case to prosecute. I mean, a significant population would be supportive of Trump, he certainly has the money to defend himself, and, if the prosecution has "holes" in their case, well, a revenge prosecution would not be successful. In fact, such an impeachment/criminal trial just might be "over the heads" of our congress to pursue.
I hasten to point out that a trial by jury, would be just as difficult a prosecution.
Turns out that Jeff Sessions unwittingly gave Mueller all the time in the world to attempt to make a seamless criminal case against the President. Apparently, that is what is going on.
A successful prosecution, as complicated as that would be, seems impossible. It would certainly take years to complete.
Thank you Jeff Session, for being the biggest Federal disappointment (i.e. dufus), in American history.
Something to think about.
Me? I am a supporter of the President. If "by any means necessary" works for the Marxist inspired Gobalists, why not make to work for Right side of the aisle . . . . and I do mean the "right side?" Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire.