Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said on Thursday that anyone who doesn’t believe in climate change should not head the EPA. And, so, the Dems have another complaint versus Trump.
Understand that the Globalist Progressive Party has already admitted partial defeat when they changed the name of the environmental menace previously known as "global warming" to the more non-descript "climate change." I mean, who can argue against climate change? Except for the fact that, with their change, "climate change" is now code for . . . .
global warming. Make no mistake, the debate is the same for these environment clowns.
What we need, in the EPA, is a little commonsense. During Obama, that department lost all reason, as it tried to regulate a victory for the anti-growth, wealth redistribution, world without borders, crowd.
All those pathetic regulatory changes during Obama? It wasn't because they had to save the planet "now." No, not at all. Rather, the charge into regulatory hell was based on the fact that the Left realizes it is losing the battle for popular approval, and must act fast before their political power is gone, nominally speaking . . . . . but more on that subject later.