“Abolish ICE PDX,” an anarchist group based in Oregon, publicly executed an effigy of President Donald Trump in Portland on Tuesday using a mock guillotine and replicating one of those most familiar scenes from the French Revolution.
Far-Left Watch noted in its own coverage of the incident: “[T]his theme of wishing to publicly execute ideological opponents borrows from the French Revolution and is alarmingly prevalent in far-left circles.”The event was captured on Periscope. . . {Click on site name, then on the video. Ignore the request to pay for this crap. It will play.}
The effigy was a piñata of Trump, of the kind that has been on sale for the past three years. The sign on the guillotine read, “Brick by brick, wall by wall, we will make the border fall,” in red paint, which looked like blood. The group sealed the sign with the Anarchist symbol — a capital . . . .
“A,” circled.
This is the third such attack on Trump and those who voted for him. Watch these folks get more and more violent. They constantly quote "Charlotte" where a white supremacist hit a woman with his car. That was a year ago or more, and, was a one time event. Understand for every violent group or individual the Left can cite as "Right wing violence, " we can literally cite 10 individuals and groups dedicated to an inclusive function of violence. The Left started the Civil war over slavery and, now, they are willing to start a civil war over global warming and free stuff.
Go to hell.