He sounded off on NATO, very critical that the richer nations not meeting their self-appointed financial obligations and left with $30 billion in new commitments and a NATO at peace with itself . . . . . which makes that defense association as strong as it as ever been and ready, for the first time, to meet the 21st century and the cyber warfare that is ahead . . . . thanks to Trump.
He then went to England, sounded off in an interview that appeared to be "anti-Theresa May," followed by meeting the Queen. Friday morning, he concluded a day and a half worth of meetings with PM May, held a press conference that included . . . .
a very clear apology to May, in her presence, eye to eye. And the backlash for the Prez may have been a more robust trade agreement with Theresa May's government.
Hail to the Chief . . . . a tough talking son-of-a-gun who knows how to get things done including how to apologize to lady