Understand that these numbers come from Gallup and demonstrate a growing appreciation for the Trump agenda.
Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
With all the negative Marxist talk about the current "doomsday trade wars," you need to know . . .
With all the negative Marxist talk about the current "doomsday trade wars," you need to know that 61% 38% of America believes the nation is on the right track , the best such numbers in 12 years, predating anything Obama tries to brag about.
Understand that these numbers come from Gallup and demonstrate a growing appreciation for the Trump agenda.
Understand that these numbers come from Gallup and demonstrate a growing appreciation for the Trump agenda.