This article is timely if not important, because the Left has decided that physical war is their best alternative. I first saw the Party of Tolerance in action back in 1987/1988, at the time the anti-abortion Anthony Kennedy was being confirmed for the Supreme Court. During that time, Democrats went to the streets and made it clear that his confirmation coupled with any move to ban abortion on the Federal level would be met with physical rebellion. Of course, that did not happen, but not before the Left came out of their closet relating to its willingness to physically attack . . . .
those who disagree with them.
Listening to the rhetoric of the past two days, the Progressive Left has gone back to their roots. Today in D.C, hundreds gathered in the streets, and shouted "F your borders, F your wall. We will make your system fall." 140 years ago, the Left started the Civil War and 260,000 died because of their criminal refusal to give up on slavery. Back in 1920' s and beyond, the Left invented the KKK and murdered 4,000 blacks as they fought to continue the segregation of our schools. And now, they are willing to harass the Right where they live, where they eat, and where they play ball, even attempting to murder them.
Today, a female reporter from MSNBC made the statement, "This is not the time to play nice." She is saying, it is time to take it to the streets. If this does not end in war, it will only be the result of stiff police/military resistance. And away we go.
The Progressive World is being dismantled at its core and there is little the Lefties can do about it. Blame Hillary. They needed her presidency in the worst way, to solidify the authoritarian decisions that typified the Obama years. That did not happen and, now, they are facing the most significant conservative presidency in our history.