“Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinary low IQ person, has
become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which
there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful
what you wish for Max!”
AOL posted this Presidential tweet with the accusation of a Trump threat to Waters! Incredible. Maxine Waters has been a domestic terrorist for. . . . . .
decades, at least since the Watts Riots (1997) and the beating of Reginald Denny (an innocent truck driver dragged from his truck and beaten with a brick). She approved of that beating and viewed the riots, themselves, as being wholly justified, an outgrowth of black victimhood.
So, what did Trump mean when he said, "Be careful what you wish for?" Who knows. For certain, AOL does not know. But here is what we do know. Folks like me will take some abuse for a period of time, as long as everyone knows there comes a moment in time when Left Wing Trash will be forced to change their habits. And that is not a threat so much as it is a call for action that can be described as "self defense." I mean, when Sarah Sanders gracefully leaves a restaurant, and is, then, pursued by the female owner across the street, I call that a threat on her life. They are playing with fire. That is all that Trump is saying. End of story.