The corporate rate being lowered from 35% to 21% , the ability to deduct 100% of a company's material/inventory investments in the first year of those investments, are features of the most comprehensive tax reform in 30 years. So, "No," the individual tax cuts (which actually go into effect in 2019 , April 15), were not the only issues addressed by the Trump economist. See notes on vocational training
You've heard of "supply side economics?" Here is an excellent definition . . . . .
from the much maligned Wikipedia:
Supply-side economics is a macroeconomic theory arguing that economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering taxes and decreasing regulation.[1][2]
According to supply-side economics, consumers will then benefit from a
greater supply of goods and services at lower prices and employment will
increase.[3] It was started by economist Robert Mundell during the Ronald Reagan administration.
The Laffer curve
is one of the main theoretical constructs of supply-side economics, the
idea that lower tax rates when tax level is too high will actually
boost government revenue because of higher economic growth.[4]
The term "supply-side economics" was thought for some time to have been coined by journalist Jude Wanniski in 1975, but according to Robert D. Atkinson the term "supply side" was first used in 1976 by Herbert Stein (a former economic adviser to President Richard Nixon) and only later that year was this term repeated by Jude Wanniski.[5] Its use connotes the ideas of economists Robert Mundell and Arthur Laffer. Critics prefer the term "trickle-down economics".
The Bush family including Bush 41, called this "Voodoo economics," buts its effects, defined and created by the Reagan Administration, were felt throughout the next three presidencies (Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43). The wannabe/know-nothing Obama ended the marked success of "supply side" theory, and, instead, worked for a government controlled, socialistic economic structure. Understand that by all measures, the Clinton and Bush43 years were scored as the best two economies in U.S. history. The economic revisions being installed, include the revision and implementation of the Perkins Act . . . . a legislative act out of 2006, that promised to vocationally train 11 million jobless Americans.
My point is this: there is so much more to the 2017 tax cuts. Stay tuned, we will revisit this subject again and again. Now You know.