Who is winning the China/USA trade kerfuffle? A look at the Markets might give us a hint: While we are not having a good day today, loses are nothing unusual . . . to date. China on the other hand, its Market has lost 4% of its growth during the same period of time.
But, of course, the Marxists among us, i.,e. the national media, is rooting for China. Good for them. They have been on the wrong side of the past 17 major disagreements with Trump, and went down to defeat on all but this latest "child separation."
And, on that score, the fact remains that child separations are demanded with the 1997 Supreme Court decision if if if if our government enforces border law and order as dictated by written law. The fact that the media and the Dems stopped caring about written law years ago is beyond dispute. Sadly, however, optics trump law. So the Dems can stage "kids in lock up" and no one cares. For Millennials, they can understand picture . Words? Not so much. So what we have, here, is an ignorant electorate manipulated by the likes of Schumer, Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Best to force a vote on changing the law, and, get it over with, than wait six months and deal with it during the election cycle. Understand that if the GOP deals with the problem, and, stops child separation (something the Dems never thought of prior to this time) , the Millennial constituency will have forgotten about the issue within weeks. Take it to the bank.
Even if the Dems are successful in forcing Trump to "solve the problem on his own," the Dems lose. Understand that the GOP can and should argue that, if Trump is alone (which I do not think will happen) , he can argue that he was forced into unilateral action because the Dems refused to deal with the issue. We win. They lose.