It may be hard for some to realize because, rather than sending out big, flashy rebate checks — as former President George W. Bush did with his 2001 tax cuts — Republicans are doling out the cuts piecemeal over the course of the year, as bumps in people's paychecks.
Editor: Wages are increasing because of the Trump cuts. More businesses are hiring, with Hispanics and Blacks realizing the lowest unemployment rates in 40 years. Two million folks are off
the food stamp rolls. If you made the same income this year as last, and you have two children, your tax burden will be reduced by more than $3000 (head of house deducts plus and extra $1000 per child tax credit.
This Politico story is all about postponing the obvious: America waking up to the most significant tax reform bill in our life time.
And America is going back to work, despite the fact that Obama tried to convince us that 2% growth was the new 4% GDP growth rate.
The Dems are in a panic. They have no plans and are no longer the party of the working class. Back inb 2011, Barack abandoned the working class, believing he had enough support from minorities and the illegal alien population to win every election into the foreseeable future.
Actually, when you stop to think about it, we should be thankful for Barack. He ruined the Democrat Party, and exposed the futility of a political partnership with radicals (Al Sharpton, BLM, the New Nation of Islam, the Muslim Brotherhoop, the Green Movement).
We are all sick and tired of these misfits. Time for them to move to Canada or Europe, or wherever they promise to go after losing an election.
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