The story, that Trump ordered the firing of Mueller, is fiction. He want to know if this was a realistic idea, and was told "no" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . last June of 2017.
That's right, this is a story that is almost 8 months old.
They are running out of bullets, so they are reloading old ammunition.
'Nuff said.
Trump ordered McGahn to fire Mueller back in June. McGahn instead went to Priebus and Bannon and told them he would resign rather than go through with the firing. They all agreed that Mueller shouldn’t be fired, and Trump backed down, Reuters reports:
This explains why Priebus and McGahn hired the same attorney once Mueller interviewed them. They were both involved in this same obstruction of justice incident,
You lost the argument at " . . . . Trump backed down . . . ." Even assuming your report is true, the fact of the matter is this: you are talking about a non-event. NOTHING happened. There is no "obstruction" if there is on intent. And you teach college??? Good grief.