Update: Its still Tuesday morning on the West Caost and Charlie just got fired by PBS.
Update: It is Tuesday morning, and it has been announced that Rose has been fired by CBS. Good riddance. Just remember this, the more he talks, the more of a buffoon he appears to be.
Update: It is Tuesday morning, and it has been announced that Rose has been fired by CBS. Good riddance. Just remember this, the more he talks, the more of a buffoon he appears to be.
Update: His executive producer (for years) has been a woman, and she has admitted hearing talk of Rose's gross behavior, but, chose to ignore it. Never forget that 99% of all the reporting on this very very public scandal (Rose and all the others), are men within the Democrat party . . . . . a revealing indictment of that Party's moral stance over the years. The fact of the matter is this: Anybody who was somebody within Hollywood, Major Media, and the Democrat Party knew this level of sexual crap was going and did nothing. THEY are as complicit in all this as are the perps. Expect the Dems to suddenly become more conservative in their sexual views . . . . . until all this blows over.
Original Post
Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host
Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd
phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their
breasts, buttocks or genital areas.
There are striking commonalities in the accounts of the women, each of whom described their interactions with Rose in multiple interviews with The Post. For all of the women, reporters interviewed friends, colleagues or family members who said the women had confided in them about aspects of the incidents. Three of the eight spoke on the record . . . . Most of the women said Rose alternated between fury and flattery in his interactions with them. Five described Rose putting his hand on their legs, sometimes their upper thigh, in what they perceived as a test to gauge their reactions. Two said that while they were working for Rose at his residences or were traveling with him on business, he emerged from the shower and walked naked in front of them. One said he groped her buttocks at a staff party.
Read the full article at the Post, here.
Only one party explicitly runs on 'moral values' and waives the bible around. The REAL hypocrites. They elect a pussy grabber and push a pedophile into the senate, while the Democrat in the Senate has his apology accepted and calls for an investigation on himself. That is the difference.
ReplyDeleteYou have Trump as a example and Moore. You convenient left out the fact that Franken's revelations are not finished coming forward, Conyer who has been asking for sexual favors for decades, and, oh , Bill "Can't Keep It In My Pant suit" Clinton . . . . . . . . . not to mention The two dozen or so Hollywood types, all Democrats harassing 500 women or more, and several media types and the 100+ women they have harassed. For every woman our side has harassed or have been accused of harassing, I can count 50 being harassed or raped by by Democrats. Like I said, there is only one party that stands for good old-fashioned moral values and it ain't the Woodstock crowd calling themselves "Democrat." Even you - no marriage in mind, no children . . . . . just sex whenever you can get her in bed. What a freaking joke you people are.
Delete"no marriage in mind, no children" ... kinda like Jesus. (Except I'm not bisexual as he was).
DeleteWe're planning to get married, when I retire. That, my friend, is called 'doing it right.'
Using your friend only when you get horny is hardly the Jesus thing to do. But why bring him up. You know nothing of import about the man or the God he represented. Typical Democrat. Typical.
DeleteJesus may not have married, but he was a bisexual, loved John and Mary. I know it's hard for you to understand, but people can be committed partners without a state contract. I thought conservatives were supposed to be freeing us from gov't contracts and regulation?
DeleteGood grief. I find it less than humorous that a godless man, such as you, speaks as if he was some kind of authority on a matter of a religious nature. Jesus never used the love to describe his relationship with any of his disciples. His word of choice, in the Greek, is agape, a "work horse" noun, in the original language, seldom if ever used to describe a physical love relationship. In John 3"16, ("for God so love ") , the verb for, agapao, is never used in the NT to reference sexual activity. The N. T. writers were Apostles or related to an apostle. At the time they wrote, none of them understood that Jesus of Nazareth was God in Christ. None of them. That is significant because they had no reason not include a full blown account of Jesus' love life. We know, for example, that Peter was married. I do not believe that Paul was married. And there is no reason to think that Christ had a love life, as well.
DeleteI am glad to hear that you have no plans to reproduce. Somehow, that is good news to me. Have a good Thanksgiving. It does look like you have a great family.
Three women but only one man had the courage to go with Jesus to his execution. That man clearly had a unique place in the affection of Jesus. In all classic depictions of the Last Supper, a favorite subject of Christian art, John is next to Jesus, very often his head resting on Jesus's breast. The gospels affirm, Jesus loved John in a special way. Dying, Jesus asks John to look after his mother and asks his mother to accept John as her son. John takes Mary home. John becomes unmistakably part of Jesus's family.
DeleteJesus was more likely gay than anything.
William: Afraid to get married. Does not want children. Runs around in short shorts and likes taking pictures with other lightly clad muscular men. Sounds gay to me.
DeletePoint 2: give me those gospel references (plural).
Point 3: The disciple who Jesus loved is not identified in this passage. But more to the point, "love" in this text has nothing to do with emotional "love" and everything to do with the concept of "being worthy."
4. Being gay in first century times was punishable by death and is prohibited in Paul's writings. If Christ had been gay, that would have been a criticism charged against him. It would have been a big deal. 90% of all gays, are atheists are, agnostic at best. If Christ was gay. all his disciples would have been gay and it would have all been a well kept secret.
It is simply idiotic for you to make such a accusation. Stop framing your own emotions onto the likes of Jesus . . . . who died on your behalf.