Politico calls it a "bogus claim," and then goes on to admit that Barack did, in fact, gave away 1.5 billion dollars in free phones.

FCC overhauls the Lifeline program
The bogus claim that former President Barack Obama was giving out free cellphones to the poor — derisively called “Obamaphones” in conservative media — was one of the most persistent fake-news stories of his presidency. The story was a distortion of the Lifeline program, which subsidizes phone and broadband service, and the person who expanded it from landlines to cell carriers was President George W. Bush. Lifeline’s budget did grow under Obama, nearly tripling from 2008 to 2012; last year, it cost $1.5 billion and served 12.3 million people.

Editor:  Who cares who started the program.  Nothing surprises me with regard to GW Bush.  He really was a progressive.  He increased the size of government,  fought for the expansion of "Affordable Housing," got the abortion pill, RU 486 approves,  and, now we learn that he was the one who started the free phone program.  Let's not forget that he was all for "sanctuary cities," as well.  

But to the point of this post,  it is a bit humorous that Politico would challenge the free phone claim attributed to Barack, but, before the article is finished,  admit that Barack had tripled the expense of this program to 1.5 billion dollars.  Incredible.  But "they" get away with such rhetorical crap because their readers have lost the ability to think critically.  Oh well   . . . . . .   and now you know.   

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