Deracialization is a rhetorical gimmick, i.e. Blacks sounding like whites for the purpose of election, followed by an agenda that suits only the black uber-liberal community.

I originally posted this back in late 2008.  This is about a rhetorical campaign strategy utilized by Black intellectuals and explains how Barack pretended to be a moderate when it came to abortion (we now know that he has no intellectual limits to abortion, including the death of a "fetus" set for abortion but, somehow,  born alive   -  they kill him,  you know) and "traditional marriage as the law of the land."  Of course,  the minute he was elected,  he changed course in radical ways   . . . . . .   so much so that he has never detailed his objectives for this nation  (the United States of America) before he is/was able to establish or activate a given domestic goal.   We ONLY know of his intentions by looking back.  Part of deracialization is the absence of a stated agenda until after it is accomplished.  "Plausible deniability" is a major tool used by the Obama reformers of the world.  There is a reason Barack chose the moniker, "Renegade,"  for use by his Secret Service.  Expect to see him surface after the Dems win their way back into political power.  He is not going away.  He is only hiding   ~  editor.    

Deracialization in Black Politics
There is currently a debate going on regarding the significance of deracialization as an ongoing development in American politics. The term "deracialization," when applied to American electoral politics, refers to the conduction of a political campaign by a black candidate in which racial issues and themes are minimized, if not avoided completely (Perry 1). This is done to increase white electoral support, and the candidate is usually running for a position in a district that has a white majority. Although deracialization has existed in the black political scene for a longer time, this concept was particularly important to the 1989 elections in which nine African-American candidates were elected or reelected to public office (Perry 1). This election was not only important before of the number of African-Americans who were elected, but also because many of these positions represented the first time that an African-American had been elected to that particular position. Four of these nine successful candidates conducted deracialized campaigns.
Source for the above text:

Kind of sounds like politics as usual, doesn't it? But it really is not.In short,  Deracialization is a rhetorical gimmick,  i.e. Blacks sounding like whites for the purpose of election,  followed by an agenda that suits only the black uber-liberal community.  It is the continuing strategy of Barack Obama  ~  editor. 
 Related articles on Google:

Some candidates have resorted to a strategy called deracialization to maximize their crossover appeal. Deracializtion is a campaign strategy in which black candidates deemphasize racial issues in their campaign, choosing instead to focus on issues that have a broad appeal.Oct 5, 2008

Race in the Race, 2008: What Is Deracialization, And How Does It ...

Race in the Race, 2008: What Is Deracialization, And How Does It ...
Oct 4, 2008 - Some candidates have resorted to a strategy called deracialization to maximize their crossover appeal. Deracializtion is a campaign strategy in which black candidates deemphasize racial issues in their campaign, choosing instead to focus on issues that have a broad appeal.

Deracialize | Definition of Deracialize by Merriam-Webster
Define deracialize: to attenuate or eliminate distinctive racial qualities of; to free from appeal to race — deracialize in a sentence.

Barack Obama and the Deracialization Theory … | Thesis
Barack Obama and the Deracialization Theory The history of the United States has marked some of the most interesting and at the same time challenging events ...

Deracialization and Latino Politics: The Case of the Salazar ... - JStor
by EG Juenke - ‎2010 - ‎Cited by 9
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This article extends the deracialization literature to a competitive statewide context ... partisan environment where established deracialization theory and voter.

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by J Vanderleeuw - ‎2004 - ‎Cited by 22
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We applied the campaign strategy used in these elections to three theories of voting and campaign strategy in urban elections: black-threat theory, regime theory, and deracialization. Herenton had a number of electoral obstacles to overcome in the process of forging his winning coalition.

Deracialization and Latino PoliticsPolitical Research Quarterly - Eric ...
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Deracialization literature has a rich history, but it has generally focused on ... deracialization theory and voter response are tested at the individual level.


  1. "That the legacy of the first black president could be erased by a birther, that the woman who could have been the first female president was foiled by a man who confessed to sexual assault on tape—these were not drawbacks to Trump’s candidacy, but central to understanding how he would wield power, and on whose behalf."

    That's the legacy Smithson supports.
    You will be held accountable, despite your cowardice to acknowledge.

    1. You going to hold me accountable? What a joke. Just be thankful you don't live next door to me.

      Hillary is the crook in Obama/Clinton Cartel, a woman with no moral core; Bill, the serial adulterer; Barack and Michelle the New Age Marxists and master Pretenders. THAT is what you defend.

    2. Obama is the cleanest smartest classiest and most respected president of your lifetime. They're still trying to pin scandals on him, but he continues to be well regarded and respected, while Trump's administration is mired in treasonous corruption and an investigation that will eventually net Trump, Pence and most of the present white house staff.

      Your GOP is screwed. Look for more arrests and resignations before christmas.

      It's coming...

    3. You NEVER complain about the specifics of the Trump agenda and what he is accomplishing and that is because you don't know what the hell he is doing. You act like a little old bitchy woman. Put some money on the above comment, Chump. Hillary is running again and this time, she may not even get her parties nomination.

      Barack is a . . . . . . . . ah . . . . . . . where the hell is he hiding? His Administration was one of New Age European Socialism, closely related to commun-ism. That is why he followed Putin around, asking people to tell Putin that "I will be more flexible after the 2012 election." He left the Party 26 million in debt, the nation 10 trillion in debt, never passed a budget, blew up the middle east, allowed ISIS to grow and prosper, killing 500,000 Syrians (all of whom died because of Barack's strategy of patient resistance." He was a cowardly Commander, leaving 4 men to die in Benghazi, 2 men to die on the border, and 32 men to die in a CH47 helicopter crash because he refused artillery cover for that copter. He is and was the most cowardly president, ever, as true piece of shit.

    4. When Obama took office / when he left office:
      Dow: 7949 / 19.974
      Unemployment: 7.8% / 4.9%
      GDP Growth: -5.4% / 3.2%
      Deficit GDP %: 9.8% / 3.2%
      Consumer confidence index: 37.7 / 101.2

    5. Obama : Dow grew at 1.5k per year. Trump's first year - 4.5k
      Unemployment: the only accurate measure of employment is the number of people actually working, not the unemployment percentage. According to DOL states, since the first of 2017, i million more people are working - the highest total since 2001 . . . . . all in one a single year.

      Consumer confidence, under Trump, is at its highest in 17 years (2000).

      At no time did real GDP under Obama reach an annual percent of 3%. Actual percentage under Obama was 1.51% GDP: first year (3 quarters) of Trump is 2.46% and it might finish the first year at 2.7%.

      Barack holds the record for the highest poverty rate of all time, and the highest food stamp ratio of all time. Lets not forget that his tax rate was the highest of all time, as well. . . . . . worst military readiness since before WW I and the silliest foreign policy of all time when you include "leading from behind" and "strategic patience."

  2. "Hillary is running again and this time, she may not even get her parties nomination. "

    What you don't seem to get is we don't give a shit about Hillary, we're not slavish authoritarians like you. You should be down on your knees thanking Hillary because without her, we'd certainly have our first socialist president Sanders right now. He was poised to kick Trump's ass, and you know he would have. Like Trump, he even had the Russians on his side.

    1. What you don't seem to get is that Hillary's percentages versus Trump were no less spectacular than Sander's. He would have lost for the same reasons Hillary did. The rust belt hates socialists.


  3. Sanders was polling much better against Trump than Hillary. MUCH better: +10 ... and Trump won by less than 1% in 3 states with the help of Russia.

    1. The election proves that Hillary was never ahead of Trump. No reason to be that Sanders would have been different. No reason.

      And those three states were not the difference in the election.

    2. "Obama : Dow grew at 1.5k per year. Trump's first year - 4.5k"

      Trump is less than 2 months into his first fiscal year which began Oct 1. Thank you President Obama for saving this economy from the last Republican president.

    3. That has nothing to do with the rise of the stock market. The day after the Inauguration, the Market began its rise, and no one attributes this to Obama. He was never going to reduce taxes to businesses and it is big business that has given the Market its new found life. And I can supply 20 quotes on that fact, most from left leaning publications.
