Breitbart/Great American Daily are publishing a poll that is good for . . . . . .

Breitbart/Great American Daily are publishing a poll that is good for America and the Trump Administration.  Its findings frame a health picture of the Conservative Nation.  What this poll says is this:  Trump holds the support of 82% of the Conservative Nation,  a third of his support being made up of converts to his governance.  These numbers coupled with the fact that he is making converts,  puts him in excellent position for the coming election cycles.  More than all this,  it is important to point out that President Trump has the same percentages of support as he did in 2016. 

One Year Later: Would You Change Your Vote?

No, I still support Trump and would not change my vote. 50% (11)
Yes, I regret voting for President Trump. 4.55% (1)
No, President Trump is exactly what I feared. 13.64% (3)
Yes, President Trump’s performance has won my support. 31.82% (7)


  1. The guy got elected with 47% approval, now it's down to 37%, he lost the popular vote by an unprecedented amount, and his administration is falling apart due to criminal investigations. Trump will go down in history as a stain on America. I agree with Bannon, he won't serve his full term.

    The person that will bring Trump down is Flynn

  2. Flynn may be in legal trouble, But, neither you nor I know this. And Flynn was fired by Trump as was Manafort. Your polls come from the same folks who had Hillary winning the election in a historic landslide election.
