The EU's Guardian gives this review of Barack's effort to subvert both the will of the American voter and our President as he continues to follow Trump around the world, giving assurances that Trump's presidency will not last and offers no meaningful alternatives to whatever in the hell Barack thinks he accomplished during the past 8 years. The Guardian calls this second shadow tour, Barack's "farewell" tour. We shall see. He has a shadow government embedded within the various federal agencies he took time to weaponize (the EPA, IRS, OSHA and the ATF as well as Dodd/Frank's birthing of a second "consumer protection agency, " designed to collect fines and, with a portion of the money, fund the so-called "resistence"). And, now, he is working overtime to enlist the help of the European world in his fight against Trump and commonsense governance. Barack's Secret Service handle, is "Renegade." It was chosen by Barack and, today, we see just how far he is willing to go as our first anti-American, rogue president. Pathetic and dangerous ~ editor.
From the Guardian:
Obama will offer assurances that the ostensibly pro-Putin
Trump [never mind that it was Barack who promised more flexibility with and for Putin ~ editor], who has been critical of Nato, will not be able to dismantle or
fundamentally change the alliance – although, in truth, he cannot be
certain of that [more progressive EU media crap. Trump has no will to dismantle NATO, period ~ editor]. Berlin’s renewed interest in developing independent EU
defence [sic] capabilities is one area where Merkel’s and Obama’s views
will urge the EU to swallow its objections to the authoritarian
behaviour of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose cooperation
he deems vital in fighting Isis and fashioning an Iraq-Syria
Now that Erdoğan and Putin are back on speaking terms, Erdoğan is threatening to cancel Turkey’s EU membership bid.
Likewise, Obama will press the Europeans to defend his landmark nuclear deal with Iran and the Paris climate change agreement against expected assaults by Trump.
But he will probably have to concede that the proposed
transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP), disliked in much
of Europe, will not survive his departure.
In a symbolic speech in Athens this week, Obama will offer a
final exposition of his core beliefs about the enduring, paramount
importance of democracy and civil liberties and of an interconnected,
tolerant world of open borders, open markets and open minds.
Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Like Hillary, Barack refuses to go away. In May of this year, President Trump went to NATO and visited world leaders in Europe. Barack and Michell followed his exact itenerary
While President Donald Trump was on his first foreign trip abroad,
no one could miss Barack and Michelle Obama acting like fools,
shadowing the president’s every move. They tried to grab the headlines,
running around Italy and Germany like they were still in charge . . . .
In case you missed it, Barack Obama has been making a mockery out of himself all throughout Europe. He really pissed off patriots when he met with Angela Merkel, acting like an official representative of the United States. Making matters worse, Obama’s trip was step by step in sync with the European leg of President Trump’s.
. . . . Obama looked pathetic. Obama couldn’t get the Queen or Prince William or even Prince Charles to meet with him. No, all Obama could get was the fifth in line to the British crown, and why was that? The answer is even more embarrassing and goes to the heart of Obama’s continued arrogance and overplaying his role. You see, Obama is not the president anymore, and it seems the British crown refused to have Obama meet with anyone with real political importance. All poor Barry could get was the consolation prize, Prince Harry.
There was no royal treatment for Obama in Britain, and it seems they couldn’t wait to get rid of him. All he got was a measly tweet, no official statement or press release about his visit. The Sun reports, “Kensington Palace tweeted: ‘Prince Harry hosted former US President Barack Obama at Kensington Palace today. They discussed support for veterans, mental health, conservation, empowering young people and the work of their respective founders.’”
There’s no doubt Obama got “trumped” on his European trip. The only head of state that would meet with the former president was Germany’s Angela Merkel, the most hated woman in Europe for her pro-Muslim migrant policies. Obama’s lackeys were working frantically to get him seen with official heads of state, so why did he get rejected? It’s simple, he’s just a private citizen with no real power. Not even the ninety-year-old Queen had time for him.
. . . . . Never have we seen a former president jet around, following a sitting president, as he tries to meet with foreign heads of state. If this is part of Obama’s master plan to take out Trump, but it’s safe to say: Trump-1, Obama-0. Barack’s the thing that won’t go away, and it’s not only Americans who are sick and tired of his shenanigans. Trump’s successful foreign trip was a major step in making America great again, and Obama’s trip failed big time in doing a damn thing about stopping that at all.
Sources ,, midknight review
In case you missed it, Barack Obama has been making a mockery out of himself all throughout Europe. He really pissed off patriots when he met with Angela Merkel, acting like an official representative of the United States. Making matters worse, Obama’s trip was step by step in sync with the European leg of President Trump’s.
. . . . Obama looked pathetic. Obama couldn’t get the Queen or Prince William or even Prince Charles to meet with him. No, all Obama could get was the fifth in line to the British crown, and why was that? The answer is even more embarrassing and goes to the heart of Obama’s continued arrogance and overplaying his role. You see, Obama is not the president anymore, and it seems the British crown refused to have Obama meet with anyone with real political importance. All poor Barry could get was the consolation prize, Prince Harry.
There was no royal treatment for Obama in Britain, and it seems they couldn’t wait to get rid of him. All he got was a measly tweet, no official statement or press release about his visit. The Sun reports, “Kensington Palace tweeted: ‘Prince Harry hosted former US President Barack Obama at Kensington Palace today. They discussed support for veterans, mental health, conservation, empowering young people and the work of their respective founders.’”
There’s no doubt Obama got “trumped” on his European trip. The only head of state that would meet with the former president was Germany’s Angela Merkel, the most hated woman in Europe for her pro-Muslim migrant policies. Obama’s lackeys were working frantically to get him seen with official heads of state, so why did he get rejected? It’s simple, he’s just a private citizen with no real power. Not even the ninety-year-old Queen had time for him.
. . . . . Never have we seen a former president jet around, following a sitting president, as he tries to meet with foreign heads of state. If this is part of Obama’s master plan to take out Trump, but it’s safe to say: Trump-1, Obama-0. Barack’s the thing that won’t go away, and it’s not only Americans who are sick and tired of his shenanigans. Trump’s successful foreign trip was a major step in making America great again, and Obama’s trip failed big time in doing a damn thing about stopping that at all.
Sources ,, midknight review
Don't worry. This will all blow over and men will start abusing again, and women will take the abuse on their way "up the ladder."
Matt Lauer: Number women unknown, but he has been a predator for nearly two decades.
Weinstein: More than 90 women over 35 years.
Charlie Rose: 8 women and counting.
Mark Schwahn at "e-entertainment," 40 women and counting.
Jay Z - confesses but who the hell cares?
Bill O'Reilly - several but actual number unknown.
Conyers - pathetic old man
Franken - not a moral bone in his body.
Eric Bolling at Fox - son committed suicide as a result of his crap life.
Any Rubin - inventor of the Android phone
Andrew Kreisberg - producer at the CW - 19 young staffers
Weinstein: More than 90 women over 35 years.
Charlie Rose: 8 women and counting.
Mark Schwahn at "e-entertainment," 40 women and counting.
Jay Z - confesses but who the hell cares?
Bill O'Reilly - several but actual number unknown.
Conyers - pathetic old man
Franken - not a moral bone in his body.
Eric Bolling at Fox - son committed suicide as a result of his crap life.
Any Rubin - inventor of the Android phone
Andrew Kreisberg - producer at the CW - 19 young staffers
Look at the dates you will know that Lauer has been in deep trouble for years. This morning, he was summarily fired. Due process: he already has had years of "due process."
When your job position opens the door to free sex, you may be guilty of all sorts of transgressions. After all, you are morally compromised on any number of levels.
July of 2016: Natalie Morales is denying rumors an alleged affair between her and fellow “Today” anchor Matt Lauer is one of the reasons why she decided to jump ship to head to “Access Hollywood.”
Matt Lauer's Bruising Year After Ann Curry's Ouster Devastated ...
Mar 11, 2013
July of 2016: Natalie Morales is denying rumors an alleged affair between her and fellow “Today” anchor Matt Lauer is one of the reasons why she decided to jump ship to head to “Access Hollywood.”
Lauer's Wife Asked For Divorce In 2006
Is Matt Lauer Cheating on His Wife? - CBS News May 13, 2010
Matt Lauer's Bruising Year After Ann Curry's Ouster Devastated ...
The Trump coalition as a winning collective.
In 2016, Donald Trump received the support of 80% of white evangelicals and born-again Christians, while Hillary Clinton drew just 16%. Clinton, on the other hand, won 60% of non-evangelicals. One year later, in the Virginia governor’s race. Republican Ed Gillespie carried 79% of white evangelicals, compared to Democrat Ralph Northam’s 19%. Northam carried a stunning 67% of Virginians who were not white evangelicals or born-agains. Of course, Virginia is a committed "blue" state. No one actually expected Gillespie to win that election. In other words, while the Dems cheered the election results, they only did what was expected.
Add in the cross-over vote from industrial unions and coal to the above coalitions, and you have a winning majority within the 49 states outside of California . . . . . . by 1.5 million votes.
That's right. Trump won the popular vote outside of California. That is how he collected 306 electoral votes on November 8, 2016. Of course, two of those electors refused their assignment, but 306 is still 306.
He was so promiscuous that women knew not to get in an elevator with him
Townhall: Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” Cokie Roberts made a
startling admission: “every female in the press corps knew” to avoid
being in an elevator with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), and has apparently
known about this “for years.” Conyers has been accused of multiple
instances of sexual harassment and has stepped down from the House
Judiciary Committee.
Despite the allegations against him, major players in the Democratic Party have defended Conyers and will not say that he should resign. Pelosi even referred to the embattled congressman as an “icon.”
Roberts was discussing the current culture on Capitol Hill with Martha Raddatz and Anna Palmer. Roberts said that while this has been the status quo for decades, she believes that things could change now that people are coming public with their experiences.
Despite the allegations against him, major players in the Democratic Party have defended Conyers and will not say that he should resign. Pelosi even referred to the embattled congressman as an “icon.”
Roberts was discussing the current culture on Capitol Hill with Martha Raddatz and Anna Palmer. Roberts said that while this has been the status quo for decades, she believes that things could change now that people are coming public with their experiences.
3rd Democrat caught chasing women and paying them off with taxpayer money. Zero GOP concressmen, so far (Moore is not in Congress).

Daily Caller: The top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources used taxpayer dollars to pay off a former staffer who threatened to sue, claiming the lawmaker was often drunk and created a hostile workplace.
Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva’s secret deal with a former female staffer was revealed by The Washington Times on Monday. The payout was negotiated by the House Employment Counsel, the body’s attorney, and cost taxpayers $48,395.
The settlement, however, may have violated House rules, The Times reported. It’s against House rules for a lawmaker to retain “an employee who does not perform duties for the offices of the employing authority commensurate with the compensation such employee receives.”
Grijalva’s payout also should have been handed over in a lump sum, not paid out in monthly installments, The Times reported. Taxpayers paid Grijalva’s disgruntled staffer five month’s severance. The female staffer left her job after just three months, and didn’t pursue the matter after leaving Grijalva’s employment.
Moore up by 5 points.
Poll: Roy Moore Pops 8 Points, Now +5
So, the polls are all over the place. Look, what most people are missing as to this Senate seat race, is the fact that Moore's opponent is left of Bernie Sanders. And if he loses, it will be an indictment against the Left Wing of the Socialist/Progressive party we still call "the Democratic Party."
Of course, there is nothing "democratic" about that party, and now, there is little "American" about the party.
The Dems should win this election, running away. If they don't, it simply means that they have placed their future - once again - in the hands of a uber-liberal and that is a place the Democrat voting base does not want to go. Don't get me wrong, they are liberal, even socialist, but the Bernie Sanders/Warren/Hillary Clinton Left? Not so much.
The Alabama election is takes place week after next.
He couldn't draft a budget proposal, or work with congress, and now we know that his good intentions were seen only as surrender, to our enemies.
REPORT: Israel vows to destroy Iranian positions within Syria...
Iran threatens to put Europe in missile range...
Iran is the vowed enemy of Israel. On every occasion possible, this Citadel of Hate has vowed to utterly destroy the Jewish State. Now, because of the friendship and pledge of support coming from the current White House, Netanyahu has sent fair warning to Assad of Syria. Turns out that Netanyahu has active intel of a military base under construction 50 miles north of the Israeli border. Russia is in Syria per an Assad invitation. Netanyahu fears that Iran is being invited, as well. The Israeli Times reports " . . . . from now on, Israel sees Iran’s activities in Syria as a target. We will not hesitate to act, if our security needs require us to do so.”
More than a threat to Israel, Iran is seen as an evolving nuclear threat to all of Europe, thanks to the Obama strategy of "extending a hand instead of a fist," making a realistic assessment regarding Iran's innate evil intentions, all the more demanding. What made Barack so dangerous, as a president, was/is his belief that good intentions overwhelming evil intent to the point of changing history making outcomes. Turns out that good intentions in the face of evil strategies, simply has the same impact as "surrender."
Understand that Barack Obama, playing both sides (Israel versus Iran) against the middle (his own personal hatred for the Jewish State), did much to set the table for an Iranian nuclear strike against Israel. That Iranian "deal" Barack made with Iran based on nothing more than a handshake? It is good for only 10 years, even if it is an honest effort on the part of our first Muslim Wannabee President. That period ends eight short years from now . . . . . . . . . and then KaBoom !!!
For a more complete view of this storyline:
The Real Reason Obama Did the Iran Deal
Obama's Iran Deal Is a Fraud on the American People - National Review
Sep 3, 2016 - Negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, Obama and Kerry excused ... John Kerry made to the American people in announcing on January 16 ...
Iran nuclear: Trump extends Obama's 'worst deal ever' - BBC News
Obama's Iran deal is a fraud top to bottom | New York Post
Everything You Need to Know About Obama's Iran Deal - Breitbart
Jul 14, 2015 - The Iran deal trades enormous amounts of cash for Iran's pinkie swear that they ... Obama just made the next war between Israel and its terrorist ..
Iran threatens to put Europe in missile range...
Iran is the vowed enemy of Israel. On every occasion possible, this Citadel of Hate has vowed to utterly destroy the Jewish State. Now, because of the friendship and pledge of support coming from the current White House, Netanyahu has sent fair warning to Assad of Syria. Turns out that Netanyahu has active intel of a military base under construction 50 miles north of the Israeli border. Russia is in Syria per an Assad invitation. Netanyahu fears that Iran is being invited, as well. The Israeli Times reports " . . . . from now on, Israel sees Iran’s activities in Syria as a target. We will not hesitate to act, if our security needs require us to do so.”
More than a threat to Israel, Iran is seen as an evolving nuclear threat to all of Europe, thanks to the Obama strategy of "extending a hand instead of a fist," making a realistic assessment regarding Iran's innate evil intentions, all the more demanding. What made Barack so dangerous, as a president, was/is his belief that good intentions overwhelming evil intent to the point of changing history making outcomes. Turns out that good intentions in the face of evil strategies, simply has the same impact as "surrender."
Understand that Barack Obama, playing both sides (Israel versus Iran) against the middle (his own personal hatred for the Jewish State), did much to set the table for an Iranian nuclear strike against Israel. That Iranian "deal" Barack made with Iran based on nothing more than a handshake? It is good for only 10 years, even if it is an honest effort on the part of our first Muslim Wannabee President. That period ends eight short years from now . . . . . . . . . and then KaBoom !!!
For a more complete view of this storyline:
The Real Reason Obama Did the Iran Deal The U.S. allows Tehran to keep its nuclear program with the secret hope that America’s foe will become a friend.
The Real Reason Obama Did the Iran Deal
Obama's Iran Deal Is a Fraud on the American People - National Review 3, 2016 - Negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, Obama and Kerry excused ... John Kerry made to the American people in announcing on January 16 ...
Iran nuclear: Trump extends Obama's 'worst deal ever' - BBC News
May 17, 2017 - Mr Trump has consistently warned Iran over its missile activity, and has criticised the terms of the deal made by Mr Obama - at one point ...
Obama's Iran deal is a fraud top to bottom | New York Post
Aug 3, 2016 - For more than a year, pundits have wondered what the “once-in-a-lifetime” deal that President Barack Obama claims he has made with Iran ...
Everything You Need to Know About Obama's Iran Deal - Breitbart
What if people have decided they can live without pro-football?
Cleveland versus the Bengal - - - stands more than half empty.
This is our first feel good story of the week. What does it mean?
Well, for starters, it means that patriotism is sill alive. secondly,
if folks get used to the idea that they can live without Pro Football,
maybe this "social justice" crap is more costly to the NFL than previously thought. Know this: the more entrenched this fan base absenteeism becomes, the less likely the NFL will recover that fan based.
Trump, the golfer; Barack the man/child.
CNN fires latest shot in war with Trump by revealing the president could TRIPLE Obama's time on the golf course in his first year (and then ex-FBI Director Comey sticks the boot in)
Here is the really big difference between Obama and Trump. Barack was not/is not an athlete and his golf game is one for beginners. After golfing with Barack, Michael Jordan went on record saying that the prez couldn't "golf worth a s**t". It would take the man all day and nothing else got done. He went to the Links 326 different days. Trump golfs 18 holes in half a day, and puts in a full day after those events unless they are on a weekend. That is exactly what he did on Thanksgiving.
Sarandon, a Progressive Activist, is on the anti-Hillary bandwagon.
Emma Brockes / The Guardian:
Susan Sarandon: 'I thought Hillary was very dangerous. If she'd won, we'd be at war'
— She talks about Hollywood sexism, female empowerment and playing
Bette Davis — Susan Sarandon at 71 is bright-eyed and airy, and perhaps
shyer than she can publicly seem.
Presidential Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley has harsh words for what Obama did to the Democrat Party.
Breitbart: Wednesday on ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast, 2016
Democratic presidential candidate and former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD)
said former President Barack Obama’s decision to set up Organizing for
America rather than “infusing” his energy into the Democratic Party
devastated the party on state and local levels like a “bad forest fire.”
O’Malley said, “To put it kindly, President Obama decided to set up a separate political organization rather than infusing that energy of his candidacy and his amazing and historic victory, rather than infusing that energy into the veins of the Democratic party and making the Democratic party new and more energetic, instead the president and his people decided to set up a separate organization in ‘Organizing for America,’ OFA. I guess the president, perhaps and his people, thought their roles in history was to transform us, allow all of to transcend beyond the need for political parties. ”Not to mention: Fewest numbers of Governors (17), fewest number of Democrat national, state and local officials (1200 fewer), 29 million dollar debt for the DNC while the GOP has no national debt, lost wars in Afghanistan and ISIS and lost the peace in Iraq, destroyed the government of Libya and tried to subvert the Egyptian government. Highest rate of people not working since the 1970's, highest poverty population in history, highest food stamp population in history, highest tax rate in history, lowest consumer confidence ever, a GDP that did not average 2% over the course of eight years, gun smuggling into Mexico killing two of our border agents; largest military death toll in a single incident - the CH 47 helicopter crash shot down as revenge for killing Osama binLaden and on and on ~ Editor.
Where the heck is the Editor?
FYI: Congress does not take Thanksgiving off. These poor, "overworked" legislative do-nothings take the whole freaking week off. No sense of urgency.
The Dems are already deep in self-destruct mode. The GOP is about to lose its majority voting block because of this fight "leadership" is having with Trump. You see, the folks voted for Trump because of the do-nothings in the GOP, because of the feckless John McCains, Jeff Flakes and Company. It is not Trump who is the problem. It is themselves. They should not fear Trump more than the conservative voters within the party. GOP Leadership is no more intelligent than was the Democrat leadership. That political party is at its lowest in terms of national influence since Reconstruction (1865-70) with the GOP soon to follow. At any rate, no one is home, this week, so there is really nothing to write about. And Trump is still more popular than Nancy, Chuck, Mitch and Paul and all of the two political parties.
Thank God for college football.
The Dems are already deep in self-destruct mode. The GOP is about to lose its majority voting block because of this fight "leadership" is having with Trump. You see, the folks voted for Trump because of the do-nothings in the GOP, because of the feckless John McCains, Jeff Flakes and Company. It is not Trump who is the problem. It is themselves. They should not fear Trump more than the conservative voters within the party. GOP Leadership is no more intelligent than was the Democrat leadership. That political party is at its lowest in terms of national influence since Reconstruction (1865-70) with the GOP soon to follow. At any rate, no one is home, this week, so there is really nothing to write about. And Trump is still more popular than Nancy, Chuck, Mitch and Paul and all of the two political parties.
Thank God for college football.
Deracialization is a rhetorical gimmick, i.e. Blacks sounding like whites for the purpose of election, followed by an agenda that suits only the black uber-liberal community.
I originally posted this back in late 2008. This is about a rhetorical campaign strategy utilized by Black intellectuals and explains how Barack pretended to be a moderate when it came to abortion (we now know that he has no intellectual limits to abortion, including the death of a "fetus" set for abortion but, somehow, born alive - they kill him, you know) and "traditional marriage as the law of the land." Of course, the minute he was elected, he changed course in radical ways . . . . . . so much so that he has never detailed his objectives for this nation (the United States of America) before he is/was able to establish or activate a given domestic goal. We ONLY know of his intentions by looking back. Part of deracialization is the absence of a stated agenda until after it is accomplished. "Plausible deniability" is a major tool used by the Obama reformers of the world. There is a reason Barack chose the moniker, "Renegade," for use by his Secret Service. Expect to see him surface after the Dems win their way back into political power. He is not going away. He is only hiding ~ editor.
Deracialization in Black Politics
There is currently a debate going on regarding the significance of deracialization as an ongoing development in American politics. The term "deracialization," when applied to American electoral politics, refers to the conduction of a political campaign by a black candidate in which racial issues and themes are minimized, if not avoided completely (Perry 1). This is done to increase white electoral support, and the candidate is usually running for a position in a district that has a white majority. Although deracialization has existed in the black political scene for a longer time, this concept was particularly important to the 1989 elections in which nine African-American candidates were elected or reelected to public office (Perry 1). This election was not only important before of the number of African-Americans who were elected, but also because many of these positions represented the first time that an African-American had been elected to that particular position. Four of these nine successful candidates conducted deracialized campaigns.
Source for the above text:
Kind of sounds like politics as usual, doesn't it? But it really is not.In short, Deracialization is a rhetorical gimmick, i.e. Blacks sounding like whites for the purpose of election, followed by an agenda that suits only the black uber-liberal community. It is the continuing strategy of Barack Obama ~ editor.
Related articles on Google:
Race in the Race, 2008: What Is Deracialization, And How Does It ...
Race in the Race, 2008: What Is Deracialization, And How Does It ...
Deracialize | Definition of Deracialize by Merriam-Webster
Barack Obama and the Deracialization Theory … | Thesis
Deracialization and Latino Politics: The Case of the Salazar ... - JStor
applying black threat theory, urban regime theory, and deracialization
Deracialization and Latino PoliticsPolitical Research Quarterly - Eric ...
Deracialization literature has a rich history, but it has generally focused on ... deracialization theory and voter response are tested at the individual level.
Deracialization in Black Politics
There is currently a debate going on regarding the significance of deracialization as an ongoing development in American politics. The term "deracialization," when applied to American electoral politics, refers to the conduction of a political campaign by a black candidate in which racial issues and themes are minimized, if not avoided completely (Perry 1). This is done to increase white electoral support, and the candidate is usually running for a position in a district that has a white majority. Although deracialization has existed in the black political scene for a longer time, this concept was particularly important to the 1989 elections in which nine African-American candidates were elected or reelected to public office (Perry 1). This election was not only important before of the number of African-Americans who were elected, but also because many of these positions represented the first time that an African-American had been elected to that particular position. Four of these nine successful candidates conducted deracialized campaigns.
Source for the above text:
Kind of sounds like politics as usual, doesn't it? But it really is not.In short, Deracialization is a rhetorical gimmick, i.e. Blacks sounding like whites for the purpose of election, followed by an agenda that suits only the black uber-liberal community. It is the continuing strategy of Barack Obama ~ editor.
Related articles on Google:
Some candidates have resorted to a strategy called deracialization
to maximize their crossover appeal. Deracializtion is a campaign
strategy in which black candidates deemphasize racial issues in their
campaign, choosing instead to focus on issues that have a broad appeal.Oct 5, 2008
Race in the Race, 2008: What Is Deracialization, And How Does It ...
Race in the Race, 2008: What Is Deracialization, And How Does It ...
Oct 4, 2008 - Some candidates have resorted to a strategy called deracialization
to maximize their crossover appeal. Deracializtion is a campaign
strategy in which black candidates deemphasize racial issues in their
campaign, choosing instead to focus on issues that have a broad appeal.
Deracialize | Definition of Deracialize by Merriam-Webster
Define deracialize: to attenuate or eliminate distinctive racial qualities of; to free from appeal to race — deracialize in a sentence.
Barack Obama and the Deracialization Theory … | Thesis
Barack Obama and the Deracialization Theory The history of the United States has marked some of the most interesting and at the same time challenging events ...
Deracialization and Latino Politics: The Case of the Salazar ... - JStor
article extends the deracialization literature to a competitive
statewide context ... partisan environment where established deracialization theory and voter.
applying black threat theory, urban regime theory, and deracialization
We applied the campaign strategy used in these elections to three theories of voting and campaign strategy in urban elections: black-threat theory, regime theory, and deracialization. Herenton had a number of electoral obstacles to overcome in the process of forging his winning coalition.
Deracialization and Latino PoliticsPolitical Research Quarterly - Eric ...
Important differences between the Barton story and the several recent sex scandals: Barton's circumstance is not about abuse, rape, or non-consensual sex. His is about "revenge porn." Weinstein, Conyer and Frankin are about physical abuse and unwanted attention.
What I am about to write is NOT a defense of this GOP moron. It is only about setting the record straight. This disgusting revelation should not be considered a part of the on-going revelations detailing the many sex scandals; the GOP has one such scandal to deal with, Roy Moore, and the Dems have two current representatives and dozens of Democrats outside of congress, to deal with. After reading the Barton storyline, below, you should know that, like Weiner, Barton did send nude photos of himself, but, unlike Weiner, Barton was unmarried at the time, and the photos were sent to a woman (more than one?) he was currently sleeping with . . . . . . a mature, adult woman, not an under age minor, as was the Weiner circumstance. Again, Weiner was a married man, and could not stop, his last offense was to send photos while in bed with his own child. So, the stories are not parallel at all. Weiner's "poor decision" was criminal, and Barton's poor decision was simply a poor decision. More than a million such photos are traded each and every day. Such is part of the indictment on our societies moral compass. Barton is part of that problem, but not a part of the "men abusing women" scandal.
Fox News: Texas Republican Rep. Joe Barton apologized Wednesday after a nude photo and lewd text message supposedly from him surfaced on social media this week.
“While separated from my second wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult women,” Barton said in a statement. “Each was consensual. Those relationships have ended.”
Barton, 68, added, “I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down.”
An anonymous account on Twitter earlier this week posted a censored photo of a nude man and suggested it was Barton. The account also tweeted a screenshot of a text message from “Joe B” using strongly sexual language.
Fox News: Texas Republican Rep. Joe Barton apologized Wednesday after a nude photo and lewd text message supposedly from him surfaced on social media this week.
“While separated from my second wife, prior to the divorce, I had sexual relationships with other mature adult women,” Barton said in a statement. “Each was consensual. Those relationships have ended.”
Barton, 68, added, “I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down.”
An anonymous account on Twitter earlier this week posted a censored photo of a nude man and suggested it was Barton. The account also tweeted a screenshot of a text message from “Joe B” using strongly sexual language.
When Sebelius goes after Hillary, you know war has been declared on the Clintons.
(CNN)As a wave of stories unfold about sexual harassment and assault by men in power, a senior Democratic leader says her party should reflect on how it handled such charges when they were leveled against former President Bill Clinton.
only did people look the other way, but they went after the women who
came forward and accused him," says Kathleen Sebelius, the former
secretary of Health and Human Services and Kansas governor. "And so it
doubled down on not only bad behavior but abusive behavior. And then
people attacked the victims."
extended her criticism to Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton White House
for what she called a strategy of dismissing and besmirching the women
who stepped forward—a pattern she said is being repeated today by
alleged perpetrators of sexual assault—saying that the criticism of the
former first lady and Secretary of State was "absolutely" fair.
Sebelius noted that the Clinton Administration's response was being
imitated, adding that "you can watch that same pattern repeat, It needs
to end. It needs to be over."
The NFL continues to pay the price for its insulting anti-flag/Anthem crap.
Richard Morgan / New York Post:
The NFL ratings slump is getting worse
— The TV audience for NFL games steepened its slide in Week 11, losing
1 million viewers versus last year's season-to-date average. — The
6.3 percent slump — worsening from comparable declines of 5.6 to 5.7
percent during the previous three weeks …
Editor: What they are not telling you has to do with the loss in dollars and cents because of reduced advertising income and the loss of audience to the ESPN Network.
Me? I never tune in to opening ceremonies. Do not watch more than a full quarter of any game. The only NFL commentary I watch has to do with Fantasy Football. These show are about numbers and giving folks the best shot at making money. I could care less what Rich Eisen has to say about much of anything.
For the League to ignore the 80,000 fans STANDING in protest to what the athletes are doing (kneeling) is one of the more preposterous insults of all time. There is no "movement," and nothing of substance has been accomplished because of the cop hating Kaepernick.
Now you know.
. . . . . . Says the party that doubled the debt (by 10 trillion dollars).
Jeff Stein / Washington Post:
37 of 38 economists said the GOP tax plans would grow the debt. The 38th misread the question.
After eight stinking years of a do nothing Barack Obama and 10 trillion dollars of debt, a president who never worked with a budget (no budgets for eight years under Barack - seriously), and these clowns think they have the moral right to criticize the GOP budget proposal still being written. If you believe that, you are as much a loser as they.
After eight stinking years of a do nothing Barack Obama and 10 trillion dollars of debt, a president who never worked with a budget (no budgets for eight years under Barack - seriously), and these clowns think they have the moral right to criticize the GOP budget proposal still being written. If you believe that, you are as much a loser as they.
Owner's may keep their teams in the lockeroom during the Anthem, next year.,
It is not as bad as this Forty Whiner's team photo shows, but it is still going on. The owners are not upset about the demonstration. They are upset that it costing them and the league millions of dollars each and every week. Even at its peak, make note that in this Forty Whiner's pic, 17 men are kneeling, all black, while the rest of the team is standing along with 60,000 folks in the stands. Know this, "them" standing is as much a statement as those kneeling, and 80,027 beats 17 kneeling, any day of the week, but mostly on Sundays.
Absolutely the best headline of the past several weeks:
As you probably know, Charlie Rose was fired from PBS, cBS (make note of the small "c") just yesterday, and, cut from the Bloomberg network. Hence, our headline of the month:
The Bloom is off the Rose.
Hats off to Matt Drudge for this headline.
Now ISIS is planning the death of Barron.
Free Beacon: Pro-ISIS internet channels are calling for the
assassination of President Donald Trump’s son, Barron, and have shared
personal details of the child’s life on its social media networks,
including the address of his school, according to a media monitoring
ISIS supporters, on a well-known Telegram channel, shared the name and address of Barron Trump’s school and are calling for backers of the terrorist organization to assassinate him, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI.
Editor's note: President Trump has lost more than 600 million dollars while serving as President, gives his salary away, and has put his entire family in jeopardy, all this to serve the people.
Why didn't Barack do this? Is it because he is chicken? Indeed, he is probably the most profound coward to have ever occupied out White House.
ISIS supporters, on a well-known Telegram channel, shared the name and address of Barron Trump’s school and are calling for backers of the terrorist organization to assassinate him, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI.
Editor's note: President Trump has lost more than 600 million dollars while serving as President, gives his salary away, and has put his entire family in jeopardy, all this to serve the people.
Why didn't Barack do this? Is it because he is chicken? Indeed, he is probably the most profound coward to have ever occupied out White House.
“Life, Liberty & Levin,” will air Sunday nights at 10 p.m. ET - He will be here in February.
If Trump loses in 2020, we are going to give 'em hell until then. Left Wing social morals are out, and, the Democrat Party is at its weakest since Reconstruction (1865, folks). That's how bad it is for these clowns.
"But when you have dozens of perps and hundreds of women, all from the same freaking party, well, that changes the calculus a bit."
Detroit Free Press:
Paul McLeod / BuzzFeed:
New York Times:
Paul Farhi / Washington Post:
Why BuzzFeed teamed with a far-right figure to break the John Conyers scandal
Turns out "they" have been given dozen of documents, even a copy of a court filing against Conyer earlier this year. Why did Buzzfeed "go" with the story? In a word, "If you can't beat 'em, you gots to join 'em." Me? I am loving it. They start off with "Russian collusion." Come up with nothing. Then, suddenly discover Uranium One and the real Russian Connection. And now, all these "free love" clowns are caught with their pants down . . . literally . . . . involving hundreds of women.
Its that last part that gets them in trouble. If they only had to deal with a Roy Moore, and eight women, none of whom claim "rape," They would do what the Moore people are doing. But when you have dozens of perps and hundreds of women, all from the same freaking party, well, that changes the calculus a bit.
John Conyers Jr. has a long and complicated legacy in southeast Michigan and the U.S. Congress.
has been an undisputed hero of the civil rights movement, a legislator
of uncommon influence and power, and an aging icon whose felonious wife
and sometimes-wandering pace have confounded his place in history.
the revelations of Conyers’ alleged sexual harassment scandal and his
documented use of taxpayer dollars to bury that scandal, in violation of
congressional ethics rules, is less ambiguous.
is the kind of behavior that can never be tolerated in a public
official, much less an elected representative of the people.
And it means that whatever Conyers’ legacy will eventually be, his tenure as a member of Congress must end — now. . . . . . AND THIS IS A DEMOCRAT RAG. His wife was convicted of felony bribery charges back in 2010 and given a three years sentence. He can't keep his hands off women, and she can't keep her hands off money - and this is your Black Leadership, ladies and gentlemen ~ editor.

You know there are more women hiding in the shadows. Who knows what kind of threats this man has issued to his victims . . . . . many of them very young interns ~ editor.

The ONLY reason these clowns are moving "swiftly" is the very bad press they are getting. Two weeks ago, all this immoral crap was just fine with these people. I mean, whatever happened to "What a man does in private is his own business," a comment you often heard when "they" were defending Bubba Clinton ~ editor.

Why BuzzFeed teamed with a far-right figure to break the John Conyers scandal
Turns out "they" have been given dozen of documents, even a copy of a court filing against Conyer earlier this year. Why did Buzzfeed "go" with the story? In a word, "If you can't beat 'em, you gots to join 'em." Me? I am loving it. They start off with "Russian collusion." Come up with nothing. Then, suddenly discover Uranium One and the real Russian Connection. And now, all these "free love" clowns are caught with their pants down . . . literally . . . . involving hundreds of women.
Its that last part that gets them in trouble. If they only had to deal with a Roy Moore, and eight women, none of whom claim "rape," They would do what the Moore people are doing. But when you have dozens of perps and hundreds of women, all from the same freaking party, well, that changes the calculus a bit.
Kathy Griffin needs a true friend, but none can be found.
Some will heist a beer at the news of this moron of a woman in such dire straights. Not me. She is totally broken and no one deserves that. She would dance on my grave, but not me back to her. What is sad is this: Democrat actors and lawyers make terrible friends. She has none and she thought she had more than her share, I sure ~ editor.
From the Daily Caller: Kathy Griffin is back with another unhinged rant, blaming Hollywood, Trump and Fox News for her complete career self-decapitation.
Griffin saw both her comedic and television hosting career go into free fall after posing with a picture of President Trump’s severed head. Griffin was subsequently fired by CNN and had several gigs canceled in the toxic political fallout from the stunt. Now, Griffin is asking for sympathy for being poor from an austere hotel room in Europe in the middle of her world tour. In a raw video posted to her YouTube page, Griffin complains that Hollywood does not want her anymore and she has no paying shows back in America:
Source: Daily Caller, here.
From the Daily Caller: Kathy Griffin is back with another unhinged rant, blaming Hollywood, Trump and Fox News for her complete career self-decapitation.
Griffin saw both her comedic and television hosting career go into free fall after posing with a picture of President Trump’s severed head. Griffin was subsequently fired by CNN and had several gigs canceled in the toxic political fallout from the stunt. Now, Griffin is asking for sympathy for being poor from an austere hotel room in Europe in the middle of her world tour. In a raw video posted to her YouTube page, Griffin complains that Hollywood does not want her anymore and she has no paying shows back in America:
I’m fully in the middle of a blacklist, a Hollywood blacklist. It is real. I’m not booked on any talk shows. I’m selling tickets worldwide which is really hard when you don’t have any kind of a television platform and kind of nobody has your back. When I get home I do not have one single day of paid work in front of me. People who want me to go back in clubs and do ten minutes again, I don’t mean to be an asshole, but I’m not gonna do that. I’ve worked way to hard to go back and work for free.
Source: Daily Caller, here.
The insufferable Charlie Rose just lost his job. Does anyone find this as funny as I do? I don't think so.
Update: Its still Tuesday morning on the West Caost and Charlie just got fired by PBS.
Update: It is Tuesday morning, and it has been announced that Rose has been fired by CBS. Good riddance. Just remember this, the more he talks, the more of a buffoon he appears to be.
Update: It is Tuesday morning, and it has been announced that Rose has been fired by CBS. Good riddance. Just remember this, the more he talks, the more of a buffoon he appears to be.
Update: His executive producer (for years) has been a woman, and she has admitted hearing talk of Rose's gross behavior, but, chose to ignore it. Never forget that 99% of all the reporting on this very very public scandal (Rose and all the others), are men within the Democrat party . . . . . a revealing indictment of that Party's moral stance over the years. The fact of the matter is this: Anybody who was somebody within Hollywood, Major Media, and the Democrat Party knew this level of sexual crap was going and did nothing. THEY are as complicit in all this as are the perps. Expect the Dems to suddenly become more conservative in their sexual views . . . . . until all this blows over.
Original Post
Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host
Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd
phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their
breasts, buttocks or genital areas.
There are striking commonalities in the accounts of the women, each of whom described their interactions with Rose in multiple interviews with The Post. For all of the women, reporters interviewed friends, colleagues or family members who said the women had confided in them about aspects of the incidents. Three of the eight spoke on the record . . . . Most of the women said Rose alternated between fury and flattery in his interactions with them. Five described Rose putting his hand on their legs, sometimes their upper thigh, in what they perceived as a test to gauge their reactions. Two said that while they were working for Rose at his residences or were traveling with him on business, he emerged from the shower and walked naked in front of them. One said he groped her buttocks at a staff party.
Read the full article at the Post, here.
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