Here is what Midknight Review hopes will happen re gun legislation:

Here is what Midknight Review hopes will happen re: gun legislation:  That the NRA will support adding "bump stocks" to the serious regulations dealing with fully automatic weapons.

Understand that Paddock,  the punk who shot up Vegas,  did not qualify himself for fully automatic weaponry, that is why he went with the bump-stock.  He had 12 bump-stock rifles.  Twelve fully automatic rifles could have drawn the attention of authorities.

If you know anything about fully automatic gun regulations,  you know that special training is required,  that a special permit/license is required,  and such gun supply is very difficult to secure.  Here in California,  us "commoners" cannot get a "fully automatic" weapon,  period.  

I own a 28 inch shotgun with 8 shell capacity .  It is used only for home defense.  You simply to not want to come into my home,  uninvited.  In addition,  I own a 9mm pistol with 6 - 10round clips  (all legal).  Then there is my 10 shell .22 semi-automatic rifle which I may never shoot.  

Anyway,  the bump-stock is unnecessary.  Banning it altogether would be fine with me.  Just know that - from the Leftist perspective -  the real debate is about banning gun ownership  in the name of world peace and supposed innate human goodness,  both silly fantasies of the idealistic Left Out Ones.    


  1. If the killer was a black, it would be about BLM. If it was a Mexican, it would be about the wall. If it was a Muslim, it would be about the travel ban. It's a white guy... so 'we don't know how this happened.'

  2. If the killer was a black, it would be about BLM . . . . damn right.

    If Vegas was about ISIS, it would be about radical Islam.

    Mexican? LaRaza.

    White guy: Apparently you have the answers. Please share your insights. Got to be good since no one else has the asnwers including your firends in the commie media.
