Trump dealt with two issues, last night, and did so in typical Trumpian fashion.

The first criticism I heard following his Phoenix speech was this:  
"He is re-litigating his original statement on the Charloteesville riots."  

Indeed !!  And why?  Because the Left Wing Media thinks it's objection(s) to the President's original statement allowed for the continuance of the White Supremacist movement, and proved him to be a racists.  Shep Smith at Fox is taking this position along with his buds at CNN and MSNBC, not to forget many in GOP leadership.  

The president does not want this Stalinist explanation to be the "official" summary of his statement,  and we agree.  So he is fighting back,  He made it clear,  last night in Phoenix.  He was right and righteous in his comments.  Had they been stated by Obama,  nobody,  and I mean nobody,  would have challenged what was said.  

Secondly,  the President dealt with the matter of his agenda,  and whether or not that campaign agenda is gone.  The answer,  in clear and concise terms,  is No.  To the point that the Wall will be funded to some extent,  or he will refuse to sign any legislation funding the federal government.  

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