Go ahead and tell me this isn't happening, today, in our streets,

Special note:  Here is as concise a statement as to what Barack Obama has done and is doing to this country. 
May of 2008  MICHELLE OBAMA described the mission  of her and her renegade husband: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
I reject him and all that he stands for,  not because he is black, but because he does not believe in America as it was created  . . . . . .  true back during his reign of tyranny,  true today as he works behind the scenes,  out of his office/home in DC, to plan and push forward his own personal rebellion.  
We can only hope that the nation's police force(s) keeps these ignorant rebels and killers in check until the rebellion fades away for lack of an substantial success.  So far,  so good.  


  1. I agree, we need US Law enforcement to bring the case against the treasonous ignorant Trump regime. It's definitely coming.

  2. Put $500 on this idiotic claim?
