49% of Americans believe both sides were complicit in the riot at Charlottesville . . . . . almost half of the nation.

SurveyMonkey poll conducted Thursday,   found a combined 49% of American adults believe that both groups of protesters were “most responsible for the violence in Charlottesville.”

That 49%  is the combination of the following:  Survey Monkey found that 46% believe far-right groups were most responsible, an even 40% blamed  both groups, and 9% believe counter-protesters were the most guilty.

Looks like the Stalinists and the Status Quo GOP,  stepped in it,  big time,  this time.  

Funny how that works:  About the time I start believing that Trump "just destroyed himself   . . . . .   just   . . . . . .   now,"  something like SurveyMonkey comes along. 


  1. Do you think President Trump is a stable and competent leader?
    Survey Monkey

    No 80.14% (6,755 votes)
    Yes 19.86% (1,674 votes)

    1. Other polls say the very opposite. My response: So what? What is a fact is this: There is no reason to believe that the biased polling of Progressive networks has anything to do with election outcomes. November 8, 2016 proved my point. Reagan's first gubernatorial in California is another proof of my point. GW Bush winning either election, proves my point.
