Saba Hamedy / CNN:
Feinstein calls for investigation of ‘all matters related to obstruction of justice’
This CNN headline tells us the next fantasy prosecution of our President. There is a reason why they didn't start with this. And that reason is fairly obvious: "obstruction of justice" in this case is much harder to prove than "collusion" and we all know what has happened to that pipe-dream.
In view of the fact that the President does not need a reason to fire anyone coupled with the fact that President Trump only asked "Can we move this thing along regarding Flynn. He is a good man" and did nothing to enforce that request, well, where is "obstruction?"
You say, "He fired Comey. You don't think that is obstruction?" to which I say, "So why didn't you start with that, instead of months and months of "collusion" BS?
Most importantly, Feinstein is only on a fishing expedition. She doesn't have an obstruction case or she would not seek an investigation of "all matters related to obstruction." She does not even know what might apply in an obstruction of justice case, so she is asking for help.
Poor Dems. They do not understand the difference between asking for a comprehensive overview (a "definition" if you will) of "obstruction," and an investigation into Trump for obstruction.
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