Reminder: President told us, "You are going to get tired of winning." Starting to look as tough he is right.
Early last week the High Court reversed an activist appeals court's decision to ban the Washington Redskins logo from protection under existing copyright law. Those of us who actually know how to read, had no doubt that this PC ban on unpopular speech, was a clear violation of Constitutional Law. The decision was unanamous - 8-0 (Gorsuch did not vote on this decision) and the Skins get to keep their name.
This new court, voted to allow a private religious school to receive money for playground upgrades. The school had met all the requirements for the grant, but was rejected when a Missouri appellate court argued for "separation of church and state." The High Court did not agree. In a 7 - 2 decision, the Court allowed the school to receive the grant.
And this morning, Monday the 26th, the Court decided in President Trump's favor (and all Presidents to follow), allowing for the travel "ban." The decision did not cover the entire Executive Order as written, but 95% was approved. More arguments will be heard in October, and the Supreme Court will issue a final decision . . . . . after the President's travel pause has ended. The Court decided 9 - 0 to allow President Trump to implement his ban within 72 hours of the Court's decision.
And now, we learn that the court will hear the baker's case.
As a sidebar, you should know that Gorsuch has voted with Clarence Thomas on four occasions thus far, indicating a conservative alliance (casual , not structured) between the two men. You should note, however, that the High Court is not as partisan as many believe it to be. That is why it reversed the travel ban decisions of the 4th and 9th Districts. These two courts are highly partisan, with the 9th being reversed - when challenged - a full 75% of the time.
Also, the Obama Administration, when challenged in the High Court, had a similar win-loss record for reversals, as the 9th Circuit . . . . . . . with a reversal rate of 57% . When challenged, Obama lost more cases via the Supreme's, than any president in modern times. More than this, he was reversed by unanimous decision at least 17 times.
WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court is taking on a new clash
between gay rights and religion in a case about a wedding cake for a
same-sex couple in Colorado.
The justices said Monday they will consider whether a baker who
objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds can refuse to make a
wedding cake for a gay couple.
The case asks the high court to balance the religious rights of the
baker against the couple's right to equal treatment under the law.
Similar disputes have popped up across the United States, including Gresham. The case of the the Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakers made national headlines after refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian couple's wedding, and landed before the Oregon Court of Appeals.
The decision to take on the case reflects renewed energy among the
court's conservative justices, whose ranks have recently been bolstered
by the addition of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the high court.
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