Fake News story #205: Kushner is being pushed out of the White House.

Axios  (who???) gives this report,  and in doing so,  unwittingly dispells the liberal lie that Kushner is being pushed out of the WH because of heavy internal pressure to do so.  All crap.  Obviously,  Jared Kushner is "all in" at the WH.  And the President's over-seas tour was a wild success as the result, in part, of the Kushner influence  ~  editor.

Axios:  While Rex Tillerson fills the official duties of America's top diplomat, Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law, has a parallel foreign policy role that was on full display during Trump's first foreign trip last week.

Why it matters: Kushner is viewed internally as the official most capable of gathering competing viewpoints and translating/presenting the policy to Trump. That's why Trump has put him in charge of issues as big as Middle East peace, and why he has served as point person on the U.S. relationship with China. But he's facing new scrutiny amid reports he tried to set up secret communications with the Russians (to discuss Syria strategy, according to the New York Times).
A White House official told Axios that Kushner was the one who helped plan and oversee the first part of the trip — to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Italy — with the theme of speaking to 3 of the world's biggest religions. During the Saudi Arabia stop, an arms deal Kushner reportedly helped negotiate was finalized.

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