Charles Krauthammer cautioned Fox News viewers Wednesday
against jumping to conclusions after House Intelligence Committee
Chairman Devin Nunes revealed President Trump’s personal communications
may have been incidentally collected by the intelligence community
during the 2016 campaign [and the surveillance did not involve the Russians].
“Well, we don’t know,” the Fox News analyst admitted in response to
questioning from “Special Report” guest host James Rosen. “There’s so
much about this Nunes report that we don’t know.”
“There appears to have been for sure illegal, if not illegal improper,
unmasking of Americans,” the conservative pundit added. “We know that’s
so because of the Flynn the unmasking.”
“What we didn’t know until today was, did it apply to others? Did it involve wiretaps that did not involve the Russians?” “We now know that is a yes,”
He continued. “But we don’t know if this
is listening in on Trump operatives, on Trump himself, or whether it’s
chatter by others about the Trump transition.”
“Until we know about those questions, we are in the dark, the same way the leading Democrat on the committee is in the dark.”
[No matter what, we do know that Trump was surveilled ~ editor]
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