First, here is the new rule:
Printed at the bottom each post, you will find this statement: Want to leave a comment? Simply address your comment to
If it is not full of filthy assertions and/or intellectually dishonest
commentary, it will be published as a featured post without your email
address or your name. In fact, if you do not give me express
permission to add your name and/or address, it will be automatically excluded. If there is a post you are responding to, indicate that in your mail. I
don't expect to see any such emails from the liberal Left, being that
their cowardice is limited to "anonymous" commentary and threats. Understand
that you can disagree with my point of view. You just can't do so in
such a way as to kill active brain cells in the process of reading your
The comment? "Why the f . . did you come up with this rule? Afraid of real dialogue. Can't stand the heat so you burned down the kitchen. Can't allow facts thrown your way that totally debunk your conservative "agenda?" What a joke you are. We are running your kind out of town. Guaranteed. Just wait and see and it will start happening this summer."
I have written to this clown, now that he is no longer a cowardly "anonymous." I must give him credit for having the courage to identify himself. Most Progressive Disruptors hide in the shadows.
If he responds to my return post, I will update with that response.
But to answer his questions: The reason for closing the "anonymous comment line" is rather obvious. the New Progressives (most of them Millennial, I believe) were raised without any serious rules, got trophies and stars for their participation. Their mom's put bumper stickers on their cars, bragging on their child's nothing accomplishments, and, now, after 20 years of this sort of parental crap, we have a generation of adults who think society owes them "success" and associated privilege.
I actually believe that it is the Millennial class (born 1982 - 2004) who demonstrates in the streets, cries about this past election, has little claim to mental stability, has no respect for others, refuses to obey the rules, and, in short, cannot handle reality. And it will take time from these folks to "pass through the system" (a scatological term used with purpose and fore-thought).