Trump Wants To Cut EPA’s Budget By $2 Billion, Cut 3,000 Staff
Notes: After years of an American Despot's weaponization of the federal government, the first reversal of said authoritarian abuse of power, comes to the EPA.
This agency, when defeated in court, would ignore the court's opinion, and pursue it's persecution of whoever happened to be in its sights.
Example: (From the LA Times)
Reporting from Los Angeles and Washington — The Supreme Court
strengthened the rights of property owners who are confronted by federal
environmental regulators, ruling Wednesday that landowners are entitled
to a hearing to challenge the government's threats to fine them for
alleged Clean Water Act violations.
The 9-0 decision revolved around procedural matters and did not resolve questions about the reach of the act, which has been the subject of different legal interpretations.
But it is a victory for an Idaho couple, Mike and Chantell Sackett, who faced fines of up to $75,000 a day if they didn't restore a small wetland the Environmental Protection Agency said they had filled on a Bonner County lot where they planned to build their home.
Notes: Three months after this 9-0 Supreme Court beat down of Obama's EPA, this bastard agency, under Obama's thumb, decided to ignore the court's opinion, and began, anew, persecuting the Sackett family, including threatening them with more fines.
It is only fitting, that this agency be taken down. For my money, it can be fully abolished. If not, certainly the GOP Congress needs to write legislation that limits this federal agency. Of course, if and when the Dems get back in power, they will simply ignore the law and proceed with their brand of "environmental justice."
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The 9-0 decision revolved around procedural matters and did not resolve questions about the reach of the act, which has been the subject of different legal interpretations.
But it is a victory for an Idaho couple, Mike and Chantell Sackett, who faced fines of up to $75,000 a day if they didn't restore a small wetland the Environmental Protection Agency said they had filled on a Bonner County lot where they planned to build their home.
Notes: Three months after this 9-0 Supreme Court beat down of Obama's EPA, this bastard agency, under Obama's thumb, decided to ignore the court's opinion, and began, anew, persecuting the Sackett family, including threatening them with more fines.
It is only fitting, that this agency be taken down. For my money, it can be fully abolished. If not, certainly the GOP Congress needs to write legislation that limits this federal agency. Of course, if and when the Dems get back in power, they will simply ignore the law and proceed with their brand of "environmental justice."
Want to leave a comment? Simply address your comment to If it is not full of filthy assertions and/or intellectually dishonest commentary, it will be published as a featured post without your email address or your name. In fact, if you do not give me express permission to add your name and/or address, it will be automatically excluded. If there is a post you are responding to, indicate that in your mail. I don't expect to see any such emails from the liberal Left, being that their cowardice is limited to "anonymous" commentary and threats. Understand that you can disagree with my point of view. You just can't do so in such a way as to kill active brain cells in the process of reading your mail.