President Trump's Weekly Address:

Trump Administration This Week:
Making America Safe Again and Getting Americans Back to Work

This week, President Trump and his Administration made great strides in making America safe and getting Americans back to work.

President Trump signed three anti-crime executive orders, fulfilling his promise to put the safety and security of the American people first.

On Wednesday, Senator Jeff Sessions was sworn in as the next Attorney General. Attorney General Sessions is a world-class legal mind and seasoned prosecutor who brings invaluable experience to the position.

President Trump also announced Intel’s $7 billion pledge to bring 10,000 jobs to America, yet another example of President Trump’s America First economic agenda delivering massive results for the American people.

To find out more, please follow President Donald J. Trump and The White House on Facebook and watch his weekly address.

To get more involved, be sure to add your name to our Getting Americans Back to Work Petition here.

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