Fake News Story #4

New York Times: Turmoil at the National Security Council, From the Top Down  —  WASHINGTON — These are chaotic and anxious days inside the National Security Council, the traditional center of management for a president's dealings with an uncertain world.  —  Three weeks into the Trump administration 

(make note that the headline does not read, "turmoil on the National Security Council  . . . .  ~ editor)

Notes:  The real news,  here,  is found in this quote from the Times fantasy piece:  As to the source(s) for the article,  we have this  "[Our story] is based on conversations with more than two dozen current and former council staff members and others throughout the government. All spoke on the condition that they not be quoted by name for fear of reprisals."  

In other words,  NO ONE from the security council itself, has spoken to the media.  That's point #1.  Point #2 is found in the fact that those who are being quoted,  if, indeed, anyone is actually being quoted, are career personnel,  or, in plain language,  Progressive/anti-Trump federal employees.  




  1. If Flynn can be blackmailed, so can Trump

    1. By the same logic, so can Obama. Maybe that explains why he was promising Putin that he would be more flexible after the 2012 election. Guess what, moron, Barack is now organizing a shadow government that intends subversive action against the US government. .

    2. Flynn sat next to Putin at a dinner recently and accepted payment from him for a speech. Flynn was with Trump constantly during the campaign. He would not have made the call to Russia on the same day as the Obama sanctions without instructions to do so from Trump. Flynn was likely involved in the Russian election corruption. How longer can you support Putin and call yourself a patriot?

      "If Trump thinks Putin is anything but a thugish killer, I will not vote for him." - J.D. Smithson

    3. Two things: we have no reason to believe that Flynn took a payment from Putin at anytime, much less while on a dinner date with Putin.

      I do not know what Trump actually thinks of Putin. Neither do you. I do know that Obama wanted to please Putin when he begged the Russian president to tell Putin "I will be more flexible."

      Let's investigate that before we move forward. Sounds like a Russian spy to me.

    4. You need to get your face out of the ass that is Fox News. Not ONE word of the reality that is now the biggest scandal ever to hit the presidency in our lives.

      How much longer can you ignore reality in your Daily Caller, Fox News / Breitbart bubble?

      You'll see. I guarantee it. Trump's going down.

    5. You guarantee it? Before the 2020 elections? Put your money where your mouth is, if you are William of Tennessee.

  2. According to a new poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, 52 percent of voters approve of the job Trump has done in the near month he’s been president, while 48 percent disapprove. The same poll revealed that 79 percent of Republicans like Trump’s performance and 72 percent of Democrats disapprove.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/14/new-poll-shows-president-trumps-approval-rating-is-over-50-percent/#ixzz4YlQAGRMi
