Did you know that the RNC took in an all-time post election donation record of just under 20 million dollars?

RNC chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel:

“I am encouraged by the historic support shown by Americans across this country as our Party unites under President Trump.  It is clear our message of bringing change to all people is resonating, and I am committed to harnessing this momentum as we continue to build on the successes we earned in 2016. The RNC has never been better equipped to champion the Republican agenda and use these resources to grow our majorities in 2018.”

Clearly, grassroots party alliances are more determined in their support of the Trump Movement than anything the GOP has tried to engender,  before.  This is The Trump Party,  and establishment morons need to keep that in mind.   The very life of their precious party politic weighs in the balance  ~  editor. 


  1. Is that why he's dropped 5 points since Friday in the Rasmussen Poll? And he's underwater in all others?

    1. I quote Rasmussen but I really do not believe in any of the polls . . . and I have several hundred failed "scientific" polls to back me up.

  2. Taxpayers spending $3+ million a week to fund Trump's golfing weekends.
    Meanwhile... http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/donald-trump-arts-funding-cuts-nea-neh-pbs-npr-a7590356.html

    1. Lets see, 3 million x 340 days of golfing for Obama. Wow. Instead of comparing golf trips, lets compare work accomplished.

      First four weeks of Obama, he signed the Stimulus that cost the taxpayers a billion dollars for 6,000 permanent jobs. Genius.

      Then he signed the Lily Ledbetter equal pay act, a failed piece of legislation. And we know this, because Hillary campaigned on equal pay issues.

      And and and . . . . that's about it.

      In Trump's first four weeks, he created or saved at least 255,000 jobs, raised 20 billion dollars of taxpayer free money for domestic investments, secured commitments from labor leaders, financial and manufacturing leaders, the auto industry, saved the taxpayers nearly 2 billion dollars on Air Force One and the F-35, created a business partnership with Japan that allowed for the sale of 90 F-35 fighter jets, the largest such purchase of all time. I could go on, but you get the point. The adults have arrived.

    2. I'm glad you're on the Trump train. He's going down and when he does, you will go down with him. You will pay a price for abandoning your principles. You never really had any. It's happening, you can't stop it. His taxes will be subpoenaed. America can not continue under a demagogue that attacks our most basic constitutional principles and institutions.

      He's going down. The county is angry. You can see it even in red state America. Illegitimate president, lost the popular vote by millions and was elected with help from Putin. And you're proud. You own Trump now. And you will continue to own him when he goes down. I will enjoy seeing it. You have no credibility.

    3. You're a Progressive European Democrat, for gawd's sale. You know nothing about the Constitution, do not support national sovereignty, you hate free speech, you approve of circumventing Congress and ruling this nation as presidential dictator. None of Obama's major programs were approved by the people and, in the end, while some folks won't mind having a beer with Party Dog, 70% thought he was taking the nation down the wrong path.

      So tell me, genius, to which specific constitutional principles do you have in mind. And, which "institutions" has Trump attack. I have a long list for Barack. And you? I am betting you go nothing.
