I did a comprehensive search for this headline and could not find:

I found this headline,  over the weekend: 
On Clinton Emails, Did the F.B.I. Director Abuse His Power?
In fact,  this is beginning to be a running theme of the Corportate/Globalist media as they join with the Commun-ist Progressives to defeat the most recent development,  that of the FBI reopening the email case against Mrs. Bill Clinton.  

What I couldn't find,  is its counter part,  a headline that might read:  On Clinton Emails,  Did Justice find Hillary guilty of abuse of her authority as Secretary of State?  

Not there.  Nowhere.  

Understand that the headlined question linked,  above,  is an implicit condemnation of the FBI and its power responsibility as the investigative branch of the Department of Justice.    Protocol be damned.  

There should be no "rule" of conduct that allows an overtly  guilty party to hide from scrutiny exercised by law enforcement. 

We are talking about a tradition (they call it "protocol") that says,  if a guilty party survives until 60 days before an election cycle,  they are home free from criminal inquiry,  at least,  until after the election.    

That makes as much sense as saying,  "If you are not prosecuted by mid-month, persecution must wait until the first of the following month," or,  "I am going to kick your butt if you hit my wife one more time!"  

Comey is not the bad guy, here.  It is the Obama Administration, its DOJ and its Secretary of State.  

This blog never called for the Director's head.  As editor,  I was an angry as anyone,  but I knew that I did not know the pressures and the closed door pressure being brought to bear on the Agency.  

And, now,  that another 10,000 emails have been discovered,  I do not see how Comey had a choice?  But more than this,  the really big story is found in the fact that the DOJ has not given the FBI a warrant to open any of these emails.  So they sit on someone's desk,  while Hillary runs around demand "transparency" when she knows full well the FBI cannot comply with her wishes unless and until they get legal permission to open these emails.  

If the DOJ does the impossible,  and issues the warrant,  anyone want to be that Hillary stops demanding to know what is in those emails?  

I believe the Obama via his DOJ told Hillary about the warrant before she started making her demands for opening the emails.  If I am correct,  the DOJ will never give permission,  not before the election.  

Its is a crooked a bunch of politicians as I have seen in my 71 years.  They should all be taken out in back of the barn and buried up to their chins in pig shit   . . . . . .    and left there until the rains come and float them out of the mud.     

'nuff said.  


  1. comey violated law

    1. Not even close, Jack. Here is a quote from your referenced link. Apparently "comprehension" is not an attachment to your reading skills:

      "absent compelling circumstances, to notify members of Congress from the party opposing the candidate that the candidate or his associates were under investigation. "

      I would argue, along with the rest of the intellectual/non-partisan world, that 630,000 new discovered emails was a "compelling circumstance." Case closed.
