Bill was the horndog. Hillary was the enabler. End of story and end of Hillary's claims to being a "feminist."

What do Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick,  Gennifer Flowers,  Monica Lewinsky, and Kathleen Willey have in common?   

Paula Jones took Bill to court and lost.  After the trial,  Clinton surprised all in writing a check to Jones for $850,000, the sum Jones had asked for in her lawsuit against Bill Clinton.   
 For the rest of the story,  go to the Washington Examiner, here. 


  1. Please ... do go there. Trump the man who cheated on his first wife with his second and his secod with his third... and on his wedding day, famously told Howard Stern "Vagina is expensive."

    Also, mention that Trump appeared in a porno:

    That Trump boasted about his daughter's 'great body' and said that he'd date her.

    That Trump is presently charged with raping a 13 yr old - and two other women.

    Yes, let's hear about the Clinton's and their 40 yr marriage. And Bill's affairs that have ZERO to do with Hillary's qualifications as president.

    Please do... let's definitely get to this subject... see where it gets you, genius.

    1. The porn appearance was this: In a non-sexual cameo appearance, Mr Trump sprays champagne foam at a Playboy-branded limousine on a New York City street . . . . hardly the work of a porn star. I am certainly you know the difference.

      You sleep around and have never married the woman you are banging. So don't tell me about Trump's infidelity.

      There are no charges of rape against Trump and the link you gave does not mention any such charges.

      The beauty queen charges have nothing to do with him being president. Disagree and you allow for Bill's rape/moletation history to become part of the equation.

    2. The reades should know that we do not report rumors about Trump being a rapists, and, etc.. We find such rumors to be humorous in terms of the degree of deception they propagate. Midknight Review only reports such stories when verified and published in establish mainstream media, whether Left or Right and when it is clear that such news is not partisan motivated. Stories taken from Fusion, Courthouse News, The Huffington Post, MSNBC, Blasting News, or, any "news" outlet associated with Al Sharpton, have no home here at the Review.

    3. I do not publish rumors and unfounded gossip. No rape stories allowed unless accompanied by evidence.
