Bryon Pagliano, Hillary's IT "guru," the single person who knew the most about setting up Clinton's illegal and totally private server, was given full immunity from prosecution. Understand that immunity is a legal protection offered by Obama's [in this case] Department of Justice. It is not a product of the FBI. At the time, the people were led to believe that this DOJ offering (Pagliano's immunity deal) was for the purpose of getting at the truth. Turns out that the very opposite was the fact.
What we did not know, and were not told until after this crap investigation was "completed," was this: at the time of Pagliano's offer of immunity from the Department of Justice, Hillary's lawyer, Heather Samuelson, State Department IT boss John Bental, and , Cheryl Mills, Hillary's personal lawyer, were, also, given immunity, as well. In other words, there really wasn't anyone left to prosecute ! And all this happened nearly a year ago.
More than this, Hillary was not sworn in for her personal testimony to the FBI, preventing prosecution for lying. Again, a shameless and undeniable effort at protecting her from any legal remedies to her crookedness. Not only was she not sworn in, no taping or video of the session was allowed, no official record of any kind was taken, and, Comey, the head of the FBI did not attend the closed door session.
If no one of import was left to prosecute, if the FBI Director personally refused the swearing in of Hillary, refused the recording of her testimony, or, even refused to attend Hillary;s closed door session, nothing remains for us Common Folks to do but to vote her into oblivion. Me? You all know how disappointed I was in the Trump campaign. But now, as of a week ago, and, the above revelations, I would vote for Trump, even if he were the Socialist One Worlder, not Hillary.
Now you know.
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