Rich Loqwry, editor of the Mational Review and an outspoken critic of Trump, is forced to admit that Trum actually has a path to the presidency.

Rich Lowry / Politico:
Time to Face It: Trump Really Could Win This  —  If Democrats are starting to panic, they should.  What else do they have to throw at him?  —  If you aren't seriously contemplating the biggest black swan event in American electoral history, you aren't paying attention  . . . . .  Obama seemed to come out of nowhere, but his steps to the presidency — law degree, state office, U.S. senator — were stereotypical. Trump won the Republican nomination despite — or because of? — attributes that would have seemed disqualifying two years ago, such as, to name a few, his personal life, his longtime support for Democrats, his newly minted, hard-to-credit social conservatism, his disdain for Republican orthodoxy, and his basic lack of preparation.
Trump now has a legitimate shot at winning the general because he got the lucky draw of at least the second-worst presidential nominee in recent memory and, pending how she fares over the next two months, perhaps the worst.

1 comment:

  1. FYI: In fact, Lowery was so angry with the Trump candidacy, months ago, that he was suspended from Fox for a couple of weeks because of his harsh rhetoric.
