Of the 324 million folks in the country, only 122 million pay taxes. Most of Hillary's "deplorables" are part of the 122 million number who actually work hard enough to pay taxes.

Those of us that are taxpayers, could view ourselves as the "servants" of those in power, who are making rules that we seem to have no say over.

I was looking up tax information the other day and the figures surprised me. There's about 324 million people in this country, yet, only about 122 million people pay taxes. According to what I was reading, the tax structure means lower and middle income Americans pay more. 20% of the population is on welfare, so they are not paying taxes. Ultra rich pay big bucks to accountants and lawyers to make sure their contribution is a smaller percentage then I pay. And companies like Mylan the EpiPen manufacturer relocate their main offices to the Netherlands and re-incorporate under Netherlands laws so they can avoid having to pay taxes to this country, but still lobby our government, to pass laws that personally benefit them and allow their CEO to bring home a $19 million dollar salary, and that is just salary alone, while a life saving device that people with allergies need, costs $3. to make and they charge $600. for it. And Mylan lobbies Congress to pass a law requiring all schools to provide EpiPens, which Congress agreed to. And they have a new lobby going on to require them on all airplanes.

So - yes, we absolutely could be thinking that those in power and with wealth see us as their servants, not their peers or their equals. And to me, I see Hillary Clinton as tied to the hip to people in this category. She talks a good game of 'inclusion' but she includes [those] who agree with her outlook on the world. Out the other side of her mouth, comes the word 'deplorables' to describe half the country. What is she planning to do after elected, annex a part of the country and ship all the Trump supporters there?

1 comment:

  1. Good comment, but I would like to see the real-time stats on who actually pay taxes. I know it is something like "the top 10% of all taxpayers pay 80% of all taxes." Is that true, and, if so, why the hell do the Hillary/Obama elitists claim the wealthy do not pay their "fair share." I have never seen a progressive definition for "fair share" when it comes to paying taxes.
