No one on this blog has ever believed in Trump's debate skills, but he held his own and . . . .

No one on this blog has ever believed in Trump's debate skills,  but he held his own, last night.  Understand this,  Hillary did not win the policy debate.  She only "won" on issues that prove Trump to be a blue collar type guy, guilty of poor conduct,  as if her own legion of lies,  her husbands predatory sexism and her willingness to indict all Americans of racism, including our local police force(s),  mean nothing and should not be part of the discussion.   

While Trump is a disaster when it comes to his many gaffs,  the point of last night's debate was to demonstrate that he is not the unhinged King of the World,  and he did that.  I personally do not believe he won a single primary debate based on pure substance.  Rather,  he "won" because he has taken sides with the common American man and woman,  and believes is a "Great American again."  While Hillary was busy,  last night,  talking about the disgusting trivia in Trump's life, she ignored her own malfeasance and disgusting behavior as a politician and leader.

For example: 

While Trump calls names,  Hillary gets people killed,  She supports Obama's Syrian policy and his lie about the "red line,"  decisions that have gotten 500,000 killed in Syria and turned 11 million folks in the Middle East into homeless refugees. While Trump is busy filing four Chapter Eleven bankruptcies, she is busy laundering millions through her foundation,  giving 5% of its revenues to charitable works while keeping the remaining 95% for herself and her staff.  While she claims to be a feminist,  she is busy supporting countries that practice honor killings,  death to gays, rape of young boys to age 12, female mutilations, and the subjugation of their female populations.     While Trump supports Israel, she is busy helping Iran establish its clandestine and long range nuclear war machine.- a nuclear armament effort that will,  someday,  be the end of Israel.   While Trump is calling certain women names,  she is busy destroying the dozen or so women who were sexually raped and/or molested by her husband.  While Trump wants to be the president of all the people,  she is busy defining half of America as deplorable and without redemption.   While Trump committed adultery with one woman,  she is busy living in as loveless a relationship as is known to mankind.  While accusing Trump of racism,  she is busy using the black vote to get elected,  then doing absolutely nothing for that constituency . . . . .   nothing.  She is as lawless as is Barack Obaama.  She no longer believes that our national sovereignty is worth enforcing border law and order.  She no longer believes our Constitution has authority over U.N. treatise and is a willing partner with the vandals and cop killers who follow Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and the New Black Panthers around. 

I could go on,  but you get the drift.  Trump has his thousand sins,  Hillary has her 10,000.


  1. I am very successful. I have the best temperament, a winning temperament. I have really nice hotels, beautiful hotels. My plan is the best plan ever. It's going to be beautiful. My facts are the best facts. Everybody loves my facts. Only I could get Obama's birth certificate. I was the one that got him to produce the birth certificate, and I think I did a good job. I did Obama and the country a great service. It was Clinton's fault.
