IT WAS A SET UP and Trump did not fall for the trap.

She knew Trump would push his candidacy  . . . .  as he should. 

The plan,  from the beginning,  was to embarrass Trump with the hopes of moving Trump into some kind of rant.  Instead,  he was gracious and the pastor looked like a fool.


  1. The vast majority of Trump supporters support a Muslim ban in the USA. 37% think it was wrong to free the slaves, or weren't sure if it were a good idea. The ideals represented by Trump are so repulsive and unAmerican, not even his followers will admit to them. Trump still refuses to say Obama is an American. It's like the planet of the apes. Disgusting and deplorable.

  2. Not only did we already know this, we expected it. Its the way this bunch of vandals work. Forget about the fact that Obama has done nothing for the black community, absolutely nothing.

  3. Anonymous said...

    The vast majority of Trump supporters support a Muslim ban in the USA. 37% think it was wrong to free the slaves, or weren't sure if it were a good idea. The ideals represented by Trump are so repulsive and unAmerican, not even his followers will admit to them. Trump still refuses to say Obama is an American. It's like the planet of the apes. Disgusting and deplorable.

    Almost none of the above comment is true. No one I know wants a 100% ban on Muslim immigrants . . . . . no one. Your comment about freeing the slaves is sheer bullshit and you know. Just an intentional lie revealing much about your character or lack thereof. His repusive ideas? You need to read his policy statements. Another statement that is based on no evidence whatsoever. As far as Tump and the birther issue. Maybe you should read his statement, issued yesterday. He fully accepts the notion that Barack Hussein is an American. Me? Not so much.
