As much as many dislike Piers-Morgan, he understands exactly why Trump is such a problem to the One Worlders in the USA.

Piers-Morgan writes: " . . . . .   despite this unprecedented bombardment of mainstream abuse [he is a bigot, a homophob, a racist, etc] ,  Trump’s poll numbers keep rising and his chances of becoming President keep increasing.
The reason, to me, is obvious: tens of millions of Americans just don’t agree with that withering verdict.
They think Trump’s a fiery, flamboyant, super-rich, shoot-from-the-hip buccaneer on a mission to make America great again.
They agree with him about illegal immigration, about big Government corruption, about Wall Street greed, about ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton and most pertinently, about the threat of Islamic terrorism.
They see Trump as standing up for them, the little guys, especially the working class little guys, against the Establishment that’s conspiring to ruin their lives."


  1. You are supporting the end of America. Read carefully. Have someone explain it to you.

  2. Correction: "Globalism" is the end of America.
