As disappointed as I am in Sarah Palin, her morning facebook challenge is "spot on."

Sarah Palin Facebook.

Ironic, tragic, but not unexpected - amidst America's Independence Day celebrations the Ruling Class put another boot on our neck to snuff liberty's life out of We the People.
It's a farce that "no one is above the law" and my heart goes out to all who've been unjustly accused and destroyed over much lesser crimes than Hillary's.
We MUST redouble efforts to restore the rule of law that had sustained the most exceptional nation on earth, with everyone doing their part:
* Don't put blind faith in any politician, but don't give up on our forefathers' charters of freedom that created a Republic to be governed by and for We the People.
* Teach your children America's foundation built on the rule of law; ensure they understand consequences for their actions, despite our temporary leaders facing no such thing.
* Unite behind those who have no part in the corrupt political machine that would mock, silence and destroy the outsiders committed to serving for the right reasons; oppose all who campaign one way but govern another once they get to Washington and get sucked in to both party establishments that reward and protect their own.
* Get your boots on the ground and work for what you know is right for our country's survival. Don't just preach to the choir - infiltrate and influence outside your comfort zone to empower others to take a stand against the Left's devastating fundamental transformation of America.

Letting Hillary skate today is no surprise when the team she's on has celebrated its administrators pleading the fifth, over and over again, sending messages to America that they're all above the law. From the IRS's Lois Lerner to Hillary herself testifying in front of Congress, they've all told Congress to kiss off, and Congress kissed off.
Today's FBI forgiveness of tyrants' illegal acts illustrate purpose in why I insist Americans rise up and tear down this tyrannical system that is destroying America from within. Truly, you're either with us or you're against us.
Message to all the "Republican" elites throwing in for Hillary, boasting they'll stay home instead of vote because their particular weakened good ol' boy is not the GOP nominee (the R.A.T.s suffering chapped ass because their power and purse are threatened by the grassroots movement to destroy their failed politics-as-usual), Hillary thanks you. She knows she can't win without you.
- Sarah Palin…/judicial-watch-statement-de…/

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