That story about the Orlando Muslim killer being gay is false per the FBI.

The gay revenge narrative of Omar Mateen’s terrorist attack in Orlando has effectively obscured his several explicit pledges to ISIS laced throughout the rampage in several calls to 911.
The only trouble is the narrative is likely a complete fiction, according to the FBI’s official investigation.

Following the slaughter of 49 innocent people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, news broke that Omar Mateen allegedly had multiple gay lovers, used gay dating apps, and frequented the same club he shot up. Clearly the news trumped Mateen’s sworn allegiances to ISIS, because the wider media opted instead to cast Mateen as a conflicted, complicated and highly nuanced psychopath.

Perhaps inconveniently, the LA Times ran a story Thursday that revealed the FBI could find “no evidence” or reliable witness testimony to support that Mateen was gay or had gay lovers. In fact, his only affairs appear to have been with women.


  1. Sincerely, if your want to educate yourself in understanding the war against ISIS and why we are where we are, and how we got here, you should watch the documentary: "Long Road to Hell"
    Well worth 40 min of your time.

    1. You think I don't know where ISIS came from? Seriously? I know more about ISIS than you know about classical guitar.
