Question: who is in charge of counter terrorism in this country? You know the answer. Second question: . . . .

. . . . . . .    Second question: And why should we continue to listen to his silliness on this subject.  

We all knew the "work place violence" moniker of the Barack Hussein Administration (Foot Hood massacre)  was helplessly bogus,  and in due time,  a decision was reversed.  

As of today,  506 Americans have either died or have been wounded during Obama's feckless fight against Islamic terror in this country.  

This attack will play a huge role in the coming political campaign,  as it should.  Pretending that this event is only a domestic criminal affair is to argue that acts of murder ordered by the Mafia had nothing to do with organized crime.  The American people want to be safe   . . . . . .   and this desire has been - ONCE AGAIN - challenged in the most profound of ways.  GITMO had nothing to do with this event or ISIS would not continue to grow as the population of that prison declines;  neither is the question of gun control at the center of this event.  We all know that if we had taken the AR-15 out of the hands of this man,  he would have simply "blown up the joint" and killed as many, if not more,  than he did in the first place.  

Representative Peter King (R - NY) told the national news services,  today,  that "we know less about radical Islam,  in this country,  than before 9/11. 

A good part of the reason for this failure,  is Barack Hussein's public allegiance to Islam and its prophet,  Mohammad    . . . . .  a public allegiance he has never expressed for Christianity and certainly not for Jesus Christ. Instead,  he once ordered the symbolic name of Jesus covered over before he agreed to give a commencement speech (2009) at Georgetown University,  something he would never think of doing to the name of the "prophet" of Islam. 

Personally,  I believe even Hillary will fight against this terror threat with much more determination than Obama,  in spite of the Right's effort to argue otherwise.  



  1. Blame Obama for another right wing terrorist nut.

    1. What in the "h" are you talking about? How many Muslims vote "conservative" or "GOP?" None, dufus. This guy was an ISIS aligned terrorist or have you not been listening to the news? But lets not make this attack a partisan affair.

      My complaint is that Obama has not kept us safe. We know less about the terror enemy than we did before 9/11 and that is on Barack Hussein, without doubt.

      In the end, the Left is far far more violent than the Right, and you know it. I have shut you down on this point time and time again. Give it up. If you are going to be honest, I am not going to post your comments, nor will I honor past agreements (including bets).

    2. You can't get much more right wing than ISIS -
      hate gays
      denial of abortion and women's rights
      Ideological purity
      fundamental belief in religious texts
      love guns
      hate the government
      deny science
      attack education
      hostile fear of progress, progressives
      intolerance to dissent
      run primarily by men
      restrict healthcare and social programs

      Sound familiar? Yes, that's the GOP ... and ISIS.

    3. You can't get much more right wing than ISIS -
      hate gays - Show me where the GOP is on record hating gays.

      denial of abortion and women's rights – the GOP (2005) approved the RU 486 abortion pill. It is the Lib who has murdered 40 million unborn babies and sells their “parts” as if they were used car dealers.

      Ideological purity – Obama is an ideological freak and a committed European Liberal who wants to jail folks who disagree with him . . . THAT’S ideological purity, you moron.

      fundamental belief in religious texts – Dems have “Dialectic Materialism” as their bible.
      love guns – but Conservatives don’t use guns to enforce religious beliefs.

      hate the government – it is the Lib who hates law and order (i.e. sanctuary cities)
      deny science – it is the lib who thinks men can become women

      attack education – it’s the liberal who attacks the charter school system in the inner city.

      hostile fear of progress, progressives – no fear of progress. It’s the lib who looks to the “glory days” of European socialism.

      xenophobia - its your side that hates Israel

      intolerance to dissent – this statement must be a joke. Its your side that wants to end the 1st Amendment.

      run primarily by men – ditto for the Dem party, its media networks, and its educational systems.

      restrict healthcare and social programs - blatant lie. There are still 40 million uninsured. Healthcare was free for the poor for decades (via the ER system at no cost to the government) The Unions still have their luxury insurance policies that no one else can afford.

      AND no one on your side of the aisle but you makes this argument.
